“Science First Hand” Lecture Series

This lecture series is organized by our Berlin-Brandenburg Regional Group (contact: Dr Olesia Lazarenko, e-mail: Berlin (at) Ukrainet.eu, in cooperation with the Embassy of Ukraine in the Federal Republic of Germany

27 February 2025, online lecture (in English)

“Science First Hand” Lecture on “Reflexive and Ethical Mind: decolonial dispositions of museums of non-European heritage in Europe and Ukraine”, by Dr Hanna Rudyk

Past events:


22 January 2025, online lecture (in English)

“Science First Hand” Lecture on “Waiting for home – Ukrainian female refugees’ strategies of home-making in Germany”, by Jeannine Teichert and Olena Kononenko


12 December, lecture (in Ukrainian)

“Science First Hand” Lecture on “Ukrainian Literature in Germany: The Image of Ukraine in German-Language Literary Translations and Literary Studies”, by Prof. Mariia Ivanytska, video-recording

28 November, lecture (in Ukrainian)

24 October, lecture (in Ukrainian)

26 September, lecture (in Ukrainian)

28 June, lecture (in Ukrainian)

30 May, lecture (in Ukrainian)

25 April, lecture (in Ukrainian)

21 March, lecture (in Ukrainian)

28 February, lecture (in Ukrainian)

31 January, lecture (in Ukrainian)


10 February, lecture (in German)


11 November, online round table discussion (in Ukrainian)

24 June, web-lecture (in Ukrainian)

15 April, web-lecture (in German)

  • Lukas Joura, Humboldt University of Berlin: The intellectual phenomenon of Ahatanhel Krymsky/ Das intellektuelle Phänomen Ahatanhel Kryms′kyj/ event link

26 February 2021, web-lecture (in Ukrainian)

25 February, web-lecture (in German)


17 December, web-lecture (in Ukrainian)

  • Dr. Oleg Feia, researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, junior research fellow at Kyiv Academic University, science reporter for the magazine “Український тиждень” (Ukrainian Week): The rise and fall of the Kharkiv physical science school during the years of Stalinist terror/ event link/ video-recording

22 October, web-lecture (in German)

  • Bozhena Kozakevych, research assistant at the Chair for Entangled History of Ukraine, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder): Jews and Christians: Soviet Religious Policy in Berdychiv of the 1920s and Early 1930s/ event link/ video-recording

30 July 2020 (in Ukrainian)

  • Dr. Oleh Turiy, Vice Rector for External Affairs, Associate Professor of Church History, Chair of Church History Department, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv: Between ideals and principles: political aspects of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky’s work/ Між ідеалами та принципами: політичні аспекти діяльності митрополита Андрея Шептицького/ event link/ video-recording

19 March 2020 (in German), cancelled due to Corona-Pandemic

6 February (in Ukrainian)

  • Dr. Olena Novikova, DUAG member: Kyiv historians of the XIXc. – beginning of the XX c. and the Western European culture/ Київські історики ХІХ – поч. ХХ століття і західноєвропейська культура/ event link


5 December (in German)

  • Prof. Dr. Ievgeniia Voloshchuk, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder): Ukraine-Bilder in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur/ event link

14 November (in Ukrainian)

  • Dr. Mariya Kucherenko, Postdoctoral scientist, German Heart Center Berlin and Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Challenges and Perspectives in Pulmonary Hypertension Research/ event link

24 October (in Ukrainian)

13 June (in German)

  • Dr. Maria Tkachivska, Vasyl Stephanyk National University, Ivano-Frankivsk: Die Ukraine von A bis Z“ (witzig und würzig), Buch-Präsentation, Lesung & Kommentare/ event link

23 May (in German)

  • Veronika Dyminska, Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)„Ehrenmann vom Scheitel bis zur Sohle“. Pavlo Skoropadskyj in den ersten Jahren der Emigration/ event link

14 March (in Ukrainian)

  • Roman Alieiev, Research Department, MAN Truck & Bus AG/ TU Braunschweig: The Crimean toponomy in Ukraine: living evidence of the centuries-old interactions between Crimea and the mainland Ukraine/ event link, interactive map link

31 January (in Ukrainian)

  • Dr. Tetiana Kosenkova, University of Potsdam: Some aspects of modelling with stochastic processes/ event link


6 December (in German)

  • Sofia Onufriv, Translit e.V.: Modern Ukrainian literature: a brief overview, trends, key players/ event link

6 July (in English)

7 June (in German)

  • Prof. Jochen Fornasier, DUAG member/ Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main: An den Ufern des Bugs. Deutsch-ukrainische Ausgrabungen in der antiken Stadt Olbia Pontike/ event link

24 May (in Ukrainian)

22 March (in German)

  • Dr Alexander Kratochvil, Humboldt University of Berlin: In the footsteps of the stalker: the zone as a place of collective memory (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl)/ event link

8 February (in English)

  • Prof. Olga Garaschuk, DUAG President/ Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen: Novel approaches to understanding brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease/ event link. Video-recording of the interview with Prof. Olga Garaschuk recorded within the project “Education Inside Out: Germany – Ukraine”, which aimed at the popularization of education and science while focusing on the activities of the German-Ukrainian NGOs and achievements of scientists, researchers and students of Ukrainian background who are working/studying at German institutions.


9 October (in Ukrainian)

  • Dr Olesia Lazarenko, DUAG member/ European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder): Ukrainian Language in Germany: from Saturday schools to university studies. History, development and current state. Within the framework of the German-Ukrainian Year of Languages/ Українська мова в Німеччині: від суботніх шкіл до університетських студій. Історія, розвиток, сучасний стан/ event link. Video-recording of an interview with Dr Olesia Lazarenko recorded within the project “Education Inside Out: Germany – Ukraine”, which aimed at the popularization of education and science while focusing on the activities of the German-Ukrainian NGOs and achievements of scientists, researchers and students of Ukrainian background who are working/studying at German institutions.

29 June (in English)

28 February (in German)

  • Dr. Nelia Wanderka, DUAG treasurer/ Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB): Wie Strontium die Al-Si –Basis Legierungen härter macht. Video-portrait of Dr. Wanderka. This video-statement on her research career and collaborations was recorded as part of the Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg, organized organized in Berlin on 16-17 September 2021 to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine and the 70th Anniversary of the Institute for Eastern European Studies at Freie Universität Berlin under the motto “Fostering German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation and Building a Stronger Europe Together”.


12 December (in Ukrainian)

  • Dr Olena Proskura: Renown Ukrainian teacher Vasyl Oleksandrovych Sukhomlynskyi in a dialogue with modernity/ Видатний український педагог Василь Олександрович Сухомлинський у діалозі з сучасністю/ event report

19 July (in Ukrainian)

  • Dr Maryna Viazovska, HU Berlin: What are multiple dimensions, why it is important to tightly pack spheres, and the Kepler’s problem from the year 1611/ Що таке багатовимірність, чому важливо щільнo пакувати кулі та задача Кеплера 1611 року, alongside the European Congress of Mathematics (19.07.2016)/ event link

11 June (in Ukrainian)