Dr. Tetyana Milojevic was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant in this year’s selection round for her project “Biogenicity of Martian Materials: critical assessment of biosignatures based on chemolithoautotrophic…
Tag: ERC
ERC Starting grant awarded to the DUAG member Tatjana Tchumatchenko (MPI for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany)
© Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt With the support of this prestigious award Tatjana Tchumatchenko will carry out the project MolDynForSyn, which focuses on molecular dynamics for synapses. She…
Dr. Maksym Yarema (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) wins an ERC Starting Grant
Project: “Solution-Based Engineering of Nanodimensional Phase-Change Materials and Memory Devices” © ETH Zurich/ Giulia Marthaler Maksym was born in Chervonograd, Ukraine, where he finished a local Gymnasium in…
Dr. Andrii Tykhonov (The University of Geneva, Switzerland) awarded an ERC Starting Grant
Project: “Direct Detection of TeV-PeV Cosmic Rays in Space” Dr. Andrii Tykhonov at the ICHEP 2018 (International Conference on High-Energy Physics) in Seoul, Korea Andrii was born in Odesa,…
Prof. Maksym Serbyn (IST Austria) awarded an ERC Starting Grant
Project: “Non-Ergodic Quantum Matter: Universality, Dynamics and Control” Copyright: IST Austria Maksym was born in Kyiv, Ukraine. He gained his B.Sc. (2007) and M.Sc. (2009), both in Applied Physics and…
Ganna Panasyuk (INEM, Inserm/CNRS, France) is awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant
Ganna Panasyuk has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to carry out research on the project “Metabolic integration by nutrient SENSing (MetaboSENS)”. Ganna obtained her PhD degree in…
Maksym Kovalenko (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) is awarded an ERC Consolidator grant and is named in the Clarivate’s List of Highly Cited Researchers 2018
Chemist Maksym Kovalenko (tenured associate professor at the ETH Zürich, Switzerland) researches metal halides which emit light in response to the passage of an electric current or when…
ERC Advanced Grant for Marina Rodnina
Prof. Marina Rodnina (The Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany) was awarded the ERC Advanced Grant. Marina Rodnina explores the workings of ribosomes – the protein…
Switzerland, Zürich: Particle physicist Lesya Shchutska wins the ERC Starting grant in 2017 competition
With her ERC funding Dr Lesya Shchutska (ETH Zürich/ CERN) will exploit the capabilities of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to search for new particles, so-called…
The Synergy grants will be re-launched by the ERC
The ERC Synergy Grant scheme, which ran under two pilot calls in 2012 and 2013, will be re-launched in the ERC Work Programme 2018. It is expected that…