Berlin, 6 February, 2020: lecture “Kyiv historians of the XIXc. – beginning of the XX c. and the Western European culture”

We cordially invite you to the next lecture within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Speaker: Dr Olena Novikova, PhD in philology TЕМА:  Київські історики ХІХ – поч.…

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New book: Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian intellectuals/ Україна в історіях та оповідях: Збірка есеїв українських інтелектуалів

Published by Internews Ukraine and UkraineWorld, this book is a collection of texts by contemporary Ukrainian intellectuals: writers, historians, philosophers, political analysts, opinion leaders. The collection combines reflections…

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Training for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine, apply until 7 January 2020

FH Münster (Germany) invites applications for the new Professional Development Programme for Ukrainian Higher Education Administrators in the field of Internationalization in Higher Education and Science Management “Training for…

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