The call for the ERC Synergy Grants is opened. Eligibility: A group of 2 to max. 4 PIs – of which one will be designated as the corresponding PI (cPI)…
Discovering Ukraine: A selection of recently published books
In this post we list some recent publications of Ukrainian literature or books related to Ukraine: Grey Bees, by Andrey Kurkov, translated into English by Boris Dralyuk. MacLehose Press; 12…
GERMANY, Greifswald: Fellowships 2022/23 from the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, apply by 31 August 2021.
The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald aims to appoint up to six Alfried Krupp Senior Fellows and up to eight Alfried Krupp Junior Fellows during the academic year 2022/23. Alfried Krupp Fellows are expected…
(Ze)Ukraine: Challenges of Hybridity: Call for Applications for Participating in the International Summer School “XXV. Greifswalder Ukrainicum” (9 – 21 August 20219), apply by 23 June
The “Greifswalder Ukrainicum” is an international summer school on science, culture and language of Ukraine, organised by the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald and the University of Greifswald. Due…
24 June 2021, Web-lecture by the DUAG member Prof. Andriy Luzhetskyy: “Innovative approaches for search and development of new biologically active compounds (antibiotics)”, in Ukrainian
We cordially invite you to the next online event within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Speaker: Prof. Andriy Luzhetskyy, Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), Helmholtz Centre for…
European Commission adopts main work program of Horizon Europe
On 16 June the European Commission adopted the main work program of “Horizon Europe” for the 2021-2022 period. It outlines the objectives and specific research topic areas to be funded…
Antarctic biodiversity research brings Ukrainian and German researchers together
By Iryna Kozeretska, National Antarctic Scientific Center (NASC) of Ukraine Terrestrial ecosystems of Antarctica are characterized by very low biodiversity, which makes them very fragile on the one hand…
The darkness of BRCAness: the latest update from a German-Ukrainian Collaborative Project
By Ielizaveta Gorodetska, OncoRay, Dresden Novel results revealed the frequencies of BRCA1 mutations among Ukrainian cancer patients, which are highly beneficial to the risk management of affected families. A…
KYIV, 16-31 August: Summer School “Reforms in Ukraine 2014-2020: Change (IR)Reversible? Training for Future Policy Analysts”, apply by 5 July
Organized by the Kyiv School of Economics this exiting Summer School will focus on the following questions: What have been the substance of the key reforms, conducted since…
15 June 2021: Online-event “Reform support and reform backlash”
In memory of Prof. Oleh Havrylyshyn Discussion of the Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics (see the flyer), with a focus on the Political Economy of reforms Recorded video of…