Students and early-stage researchers from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CEE/SEE) or Bavaria have the possibility to apply for grants to attend a summer school conducted by Bavarian…
Cooperation Highlight: Odesa National University and Freie Universität Berlin expand their cooperation in field of international economics
In 2021-2022 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports the fruitful long-term cooperation in field of international economics between the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology of Odesa…
Funding Call for Summer Schools “Challenges and Potentials for Europe: The Greying Continent”, apply by 17 November
This VolkswagenStiftung funding call is open for open-topic summer schools on “Challenges and Potentials for Europe”. The call targets scholars in the humanities, social and cultural sciences, as these…
Funding Call “Global Issues – Preventing Pandemics: the Role of Human-Environmental Interactions”, apply by 4 November
This VolkswagenStiftung call for funding is part of a broader international funding framework entitled “Global Issues – Integrating Different Perspectives”, which aims to enable international research collaboration and…
Various DAAD funding programs: Forthcoming deadlines
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports international academic cooperation of German Higher Education Institutions through individual fellowships and various funding instruments, which in some cases are also open…
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Philipp Schwartz Initiative, apply by 10 September
The Philipp Schwartz Initiative enables universities and research institutions in Germany to host researchers at risk on the basis of a full fellowship. The programme allows researchers who…
Berlin, 16-17 September 2021: Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg
Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg (16-17 September 2021) will take place in Berlin under the motto “Fostering German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation and Building a Stronger Europe Together“. You can…
Introducing the finalists of the PhD Thesis Presentation Contest 2021
This year 17 applicants from Germany, Hungary, the UK and Ukraine applied to our PhD Contest. After a peer review by independent experts eight PhD students won the…
The first Ukrainian Academic Accelerator (UAA) fosters research skills of future journalists in Ukraine
By Kostiantyn Yanchenko, U. Hamburg/ DUAG This pilot half-year project (January-June 2021) with the focus on Journalism, Media, and Communication was organized and conducted by the DUAG associate…
Apply until 15 August: 27/09-08/10.2021, Two German-Ukrainian DAAD Autumn Schools “Lessons in Biomedicine Learnt from Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence” in Kharkiv and Kyiv 9-21/08/2021 Ukrainicum (Krupp-Kolleg), The Greifswald Ukrainicum…