British Association for Slavonic and East-European Studies BASEES initiated Non-Residential Fellowship Scheme for Ukrainian scholars. The program focuses on Ukrainian researchers in humanities and social sciences residing in…
International Centre for Mathematics in Ukraine will be established
A new international centre for mathematics is being founded in Ukraine, with the involvement of some of the world’s top mathematicians and the support of the Ukrainian government. The…
Extension of the project Ukraine digital for the Universities Duisburg-Essen, Kharkiv, Sumy, and Vinnytsia
The DAAD has granted 150,000€ to extend the successful project “Ukraine digital” to the full year 2023, led by the University Duisburg-Essen. The project started in mid-2022 and…
USA, Harvard: Jacyk Distinguished Fellowships, apply by 31 January 2023
Jacyk Distinguished Fellowships are designed to bring senior scholars to Harvard University for one academic term of focused research in Ukrainian history, literature, philology, culture, and other related areas…
USA, Harvard: HURI Research Fellowships, apply by 31 January 2023
HURI Research Fellowships in Ukrainian Studies are granted to scholars engaged in research pertaining to Ukraine. Applications for Academic Year 2023-2024 are due JANUARY 31, 2023 Duration: a single academic…
USA, Harvard: Mihaychuk Postdoctoral Fellowships in Ukrainian Studies, apply by 31 January 2023
Jaroslaw and Nadia Mihaychuk Postdoctoral Fellowships in Ukrainian Studies are granted to promising early-career postdoctoral scholars carrying out independent research on topics pertaining to Ukraine. Applications for Academic Year 2023-2024 are…
Forum for Ukrainian Studies invites contributors to submit analytical essays
The Forum for Ukrainian Studies publishes texts that deal with international and domestic aspects of Ukraine’s politics, economics, society, identity, and security and expects the analysis to be embedded…
Season´s Greetings from DUAG
FORTHCOMING EVENTS, January – April 2023
January 2023 09/01, 18:00-19:00 Osteuropakolloquium: Die Allgemeine Wehrpflicht in Russland. Historische Wurzeln militärischer Zustände im Jahre 2022 mit Prof. Dr. Werner Benecke (Frankfurt/Oder). Ort: Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder),…
NATO funding: Science for Peace and Security Programme, apply until 17 February 2023
The NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme is currently accepting proposals for Multi-Year Projects and Events. SPS aims to enhance civil science and technology and to…