The handling of russia’s criminal war of aggression against Ukraine has shown that Eastern European expertise has been significantly marginalised in Germany and other parts of Western…
December 2022 12/12, 19:15 Uhr (Montag) Juri Andruchowytsch, Ukrainischer Schriftsteller, Dichter, Essayist und Übersetzer: Der Preis der Zukunft. Was ist das Wesen des “aufgeschobenen Krieges”? Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung des Präsidenten:…
Non-Residential Fellowships for Scholars from Ukraine/ 16 December 2022 Recognizing the need for ongoing support of Ukraine’s intellectual community in the face of russia’s war of aggression, the…
Talk: Ukraine: a blind spot on the mental map of Europe?/ Ukraine: ein blinder Fleck auf der mentalen Karte Europas? Speaker: Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk, Chair of Neurophysiology at…
Back2UA program has been created to offer a comprehensive information and transport solutions for Ukrainians wishing to return to their country. Back2UA’s mission is to offer regular bus…
Grouped as Grants & Fellowships, and sorted by deadline. For those funding schemes, that have no deadlines – scroll down the list GRANTS (for fellowships – scroll down)…
On 21 June, the European University Association (EUA) Board approved the application for full collective membership by the Union of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine. The…
EU sanctions support the objectives of the EU’s common foreign and security policy, such as conflict resolution, the fight against terrorism, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and…
MIT Department of Mathematics launches a free math enrichment and research program for Ukrainian high school students and refugees. The program has been develop in memory of Yulia…
Prof. Dr. Yuri (Jurijus) Gleba, renown scientist and entrepreneur, CEO and major shareholder of Nomad Bioscience GmbH, a German biotechnology company, member of the Academia Europaea, Leopoldina and numerous…