Panel Discussion: Memories of a Better Future? Analysing Post-Maidan Condition from Multiple Perspectives Date: 07.12.2017 Time: 18:15 Venue: Robert Bosch Stiftung, Französische Straße 32, 10117 Berlin Registration (Link)…
Tag: History
In the heart of Europe: Historic responsibility of Germany towards Ukraine
In the heart of Europe: Historic responsibility of Germany towards Ukraine/ Mitten in Europa – Deutschlands historische Verantwortung für die Ukraine/ Україна – епіцентр Другої світової? Історична відповідальність…
Research Stipends of the German-Ukrainian Historians Commission, apply by 15 June 2017
This funding opportunity is aimed at historians researching topics related to German-Ukrainian history. Duration: up to 1 month (in Ukraine) and up to 2 months (in Germany) How…
University of Applied Sciences Lübeck & National Chernivtsi University cooperate on ‘Historical City’
Offermann, FH Lübeck, Germany Summary: University of Applied Sciences Lübeck has cooperated with the National Chernivtsi University on the project “Practice-oriented Partnership Historical City”. Within the framework of…
GERMANY, Munich: First two historians start research, supported by the German-Ukrainian History Commission
First two historians start their research stay in Munich, supported by the German-Ukrainian History Commission The Graduate School for East and South Eastern European Studies in Munich is…
GERMANY, Berlin-Brandenburg: Historian Andrii Portnov will direct the Berlin-Brandenburg Ukraine Initiative
Andrii Portnov, historian of modern Ukraine, became a long-term Fellow of the Forum Transregionale Studien in order to direct the Berlin-Brandenburg Ukraine Initiative. This new initiative of the…