- DUAG president Prof. Olga Garaschuk signed the Manifesto “Reclaiming Europe”
- Dr. Kyrylo Snizhko (CEA Grenoble, France) co-initiated the establishment of the qUA: a quantum work group of the Ukrainian Physical Society
Reihe “Ukrainian Voices”: Deutsch-ukrainische Geschichten. Bruchstücke aus einer gemeinsamen Vergangenheit. ibidem Verlag. 14.10.2024. ISBN: 978-3-8382-2053-6. Herausgegeben von: Gelinada Grinchenko, Marieluise Beck, Jan Claas Behrends, Oksana Mikheieva. Beiträge von: Gelinada Grinchenko, Andreas Umland, Martin Aust, Polina Barvinska, Oleksandra Bienert, Katrin Boeckh, Frank Golczewski, Ralf Haska, Vakhtang Kebuladze, Andriy Kohut, Olesia Lazarenko, Volodymyr Masliychuk, Dmytro Myeshkov, Andriy Mykhaleyko, Julia Obertreis, Andrii Portnov, Liudmyla Posokhova, Ostap Sereda, Gerhard Simon, Albert Venger, Anna Veronika Wendland, Susann Worschech
- Ukraine Verstehen Beitrag zum Buch (2 Dezember 2024)
- #CafeKyiv hashtag Buchpräsentation Gemeinsam mit ibidem Press lädt Zentrum Liberale Moderne zur Präsentation der Anthologie “Deutsch-Ukrainische Geschichten: Fragmente einer geteilten Vergangenheit” ein. Where: Colosseum Berlin, Schönhauser Allee 123/ When: 17:30 bis 18:15 – Kino 6
- Andrii Portnov: Omeljan Pritsak and the Intellectual Origins of the Ukrainian “Harvard Miracle”. Series: Harvard Papers in Ukrainian Studies. Forthcoming in summer 2025. This is the first English-language intellectual biography of Omeljan Pritsak, the co-founder of the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI) and the first professor of Ukrainian history at Harvard.
- From Screens to Battlefields: Tracing the Construction of Enemies on Russian Television. By Alona Shestopalova (former DUAG member). Ukrainian Voices Series. ibidem; New Edition (1. August 2024). ISBN-10 : 3838218841/ ISBN-13 : 978-3838218847
- Andrii Portnov: Dnipro: An Entangled History of a European City. Academic Studies Press, 2022. Winner of the 2022 Ab Imperio Award for the Best Study in New Imperial History and History of Diversity in Northern Eurasia.
Conference talks/ Invited lectures/ Seminars/ Webinars
Panel: The importance of Diaspora for Ukraine’s Victory and Development. When: 11th March 2025, 5:00 pm – 5:45 pm/ Room: EG | KINO 4 – RECONSTRUCTION. Organised by CRISP e.V. and Open Platform e.V., with support from Programme “Shaping development-oriented migration” (MEG) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and in cooperation with Plattform Wiederaufbau. Panelist: DUAG member Dr. Oleksandra Keudel, Associate Professor, Kyiv School of Economics
Ukrainisch als Herkunftssprache in der 5. Herkunftssprachenwoche 2025 in Frankfurt am Main (19-21 Februar 2025). Das Programm ist hier zu finden und umfasst u.a.:
- Ukrainisch als Herkunftssprache an deutschen Hochschulen und Schulen: Perspektiven und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, DUAG member Dr. Olesia Lazarenko, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
- Sektion 1: Ukrainisch als Herkunftssprache (Arbeitssprache: Ukrainisch):
- Ukraine-Studien an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen: Challenges und Perspektiven. Dr. Olena Saikovska, Universität Tübingen
- Ukrainisch als Herkunftssprache: Grundsätze der Programmgestaltung. DUAG member Dr. Oksana Turkevych, Universität Regensburg
- Ukrainisch als Herkunftssprache an deutschen Hochschulen: Perspektiven und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
DUAG member Dr. Olesia Lazarenko, Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Osterweiterung of Remembrance – Project Presentation & Discussion. Discussion with: Peggy Lohse (dekoder, co-editor of the project “The War and Its Victims”), Simon Muschick (translator), DUAG member Dr. Olesia Lazarenko (Ukrainian Department, Viadrina Language Center). Languages: Auf Deutsch & українською мовою. An Event by the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies (VCPU), the Ukrainian Lektorat of the Language Center at the European University Viadrina, and dekoder. “The War and Its Victims” is a project by dekoder, carried out in cooperation with Heidelberg University, funded as part of the Educational Agenda on Nazi Injustice by the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility, Future (EVZ) and the German Federal Ministry of Finance (23.01.2025, Frankfurt (Oder))
Vice-president of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society Prof. Matthias Epple (University Duisburg-Essen) was invited to speak at the meeting’s panel “Ukraine-NRW-EU: International funding opportunities in science and research” at the Ukraine Conference of the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia (Cologne, 18 November 2024)
Nataliya Butych, managing director of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society e.V., moderates the panel discussion “Medical support for Ukraine between emergency aid and future scenario” in Hannover on 25 February 2024.
Conversation with Professor Andriy Portnov “Unity as one of the key concepts of Ukrainian history” within the series of Ukrainian-language lectures, organized by the Centre for Polish-Ukrainian Studies at the Viadrina University, together with the NGOs Helping Hands Blaue Brücke e.V. and Vitsche Berlin at the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder) on 22 January 2024
Prof. Olga Garaschuk: Panel discussion organised by MDB (Grüne) Chris Kühn in Tübingen on 22.11.2023, with the Chairman of the Committee on European Union Affairs, Anton Hofreiterth and Prof. Klaus Gestwa, Director of the Institute for Eastern European History and Regional Studies at the University of Tübingen. See also an article in Tagblatt
Prof. Olga Garaschuk: Panel discussion HUMBOLDT4UKRAINE: How can science become an engine for rebuilding Ukraine?, organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Berlin on 1.11.2023. Allso see an article “Recommendations for rebuilding Ukrainian science and academia”
Prof. Olga Garaschuk: Panel discussion at the Event organized by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW), 19 December 2022
Dr. Oksana Seumenicht: Panel Discussion “Science Diplomacy and Realpolitik: The war in Ukraine” at the international conference which debated the current state of “Science Diplomacy: between Scientific Collaboration and Realpolitik“, Prague, 13 December 2022, organized by EuroScience – the European Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Committee for Education, Science, Culture, Human Rights and Petitions of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Program & Video
Prof. Andrii Portnov: Rethinking East European Studies in Times of Upheaval: Some Reflections on Ukrainian Studies in Germany (and Not Only), TRAFO Blog series addresses questions on the state and future of East European studies, 29 November 2022
Prof. Olga Garaschuk: Ukraine: ein blinder Fleck auf der mentalen Karte Europas? 14 November 2022, Justus-Liebig-Universität-Giessen, part of the President’s Lecture Series: Our War? The future of Ukraine and the reordering of the world.
Falling Walls Science Summit 2022, Berlin, 8 November 2022: Background Table “Wissenschaft in der Ukraine”, Presentation by Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, Programme Director MSCA4Ukraine, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation/ DUAG member (slides)
Conference for academics affected by the war in Ukraine (Online): “Chance for Science Conference 2022: “, 8-9 September 2022: Presentation “#StandWithUkraine: It is a marathon, not a sprint”, Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, MDC/ UKRAINET, video/ slides
Online discussion, in German, “Das ukrainische Kulturerbe in Russlands Angriffskrieg/ The Ukrainian cultural heritage and the Russia`s invasion” co-organised by our Chair together with the Robert-Havemann-Society and the German-Ukrainian Forum, with Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, 26 July 2022
International XVII Summer School in Odesa (1 July 2022): Online-Talk “Funding opportunities to support career development through academic mobility” , Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, MDC/ UKRAINET
Berlin4Ukraine: Meet & Learn (Berlin, 30 June 2022), the Part I of the video-recording includes “The introduction to the German science system” by Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, MDC/ UKRAINET, in Ukrainian), starting at 25’45” till 1h 3’10”, slides, Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, MDC/ UKRAINET
Online event #StandWithUkraine: The role of academic community in wartime (31 May 2022), jointly organised by Polonium Foundation, UKRAINET& Polish Young Academy (AMU PAN): Video-recording (Dr. Anna Grebinyk)
Online Seminar: For Ukraine: The German Science System – Overview and First Orientation, organised by the jobsite academics in cooperation with the German Scholars Organization (18 May 2022). Panelists:
- Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, Research Development Manager at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) & Founder of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ UKRAINET and
- Nataliia Sokolovska, Project Manager at Alexander von Humboldt Institute.
You can download the presentation (.pdf) and recording (.mp4, duration 01 hours, 13 minutes, 59 seconds, 235,2 MB).
In German, “Krieg und Frieden. Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Ukraine/ War and Peace. The Past and the Future of Ukraine” with Kateryna Mishchenko, Martin Schulze-Wessel and Andrii Portnov, held at the Institute for Advanced Study Berlin, 28 June 2022
Körber-Stiftung: Der Krieg gegen die Ukraine: ein historischer Wendepunk with Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov , 25 April 2022
Chance for Science Conference 2022: Conference for academics affected by the war in Ukraine, organised by Chance for Science gUG (haftungsbeschränkt), Universität Leipzig. Online, 22 April 2022:
- Dr. Oksana Seumenicht: Stand with Ukraine: How can we best support Ukraine now and lay the ground for its rebuilding after the war. Watch the video-recording of the presentation and check the slides with links
Webinar (in Ukrainian) “War 2022 and support of Ukrainian scientists/ Війна 2022 та підтримка українських науковців”, organised on 03 April 2022 within the framework of Наукові зустрічі / Scientific meetings by Scientia Conventibus
- Dr. Kyrylo Snizhko: Video-recording of the talk, slides of the presentation and the discussion
Das Ukraine-Bild in Deutschland und die Ukraine-Forschung in Krisenzeiten with Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov
YouTube video about Ukrainistik in Deutschland zur Zeit des Krieges by Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov
YouTube videos about the current situation in German Ukrainian Studies (in Ukrainian), Ukrainian (and East European) Studies Now. Conversation 1st and Conversation 2nd – by Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov
Radio/ Interviews/ Podcasts:
Die Junge Akademie “wissen – handeln? Der Podcast zu Internationalisierung und Wissenschaft”: S02 F01: Scholars at risk – Hilfe für geflüchtete Wissenschaftler*innen in Deutschland, with a contribution by Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, 21 November 2024
Amal Berlin: Google Maps не покаже: карта українських місць Берліну, with Dr. Olesia Lazarenko, 28 September 2022
Podcast: Meridian – #8 – Ukrainian universities and the war – with Dr. Oksana Seumenicht (MDC, Berlin, Germany), Meridian – Der Wissenschaftspodcast des Berlin Center for Global Engagement. The podcast episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. The science podcast of the Berlin Center for Global Engagement (BCGE)
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) Radio: European Union without Ukraine is not viable (in Polish) with Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, 21 March 2022
Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov at Słubice TV (in Polish), 11 March 2022
Video-interview (Regio TV Stuttgart): Ukrainische Geschichte in Neu-Ulm, mit Vitalii Makogin (auf Deutsch), 10 March 2022
Interview mit Prof. Nechyporenko sowie Dr. Anna Grebinyk und Dr. Sergii Grebinyk (TH Wildau) #solidaritywithukraine (in German)
German Radio (DLF), in German: Campus und Karriere 05 March 2022, komplette Sendung: Folgen des Ukraine-Kriegs, Guests:
- Prof. Joybrato Mukherjee, President of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
- Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, Co-founder and Managing Director of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ Research Development Manager at the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC)
- Tobias Stüdemann, Head of the Liaison-Office of the FU Berlin in Moscow
Radio Essen: Angriff auf Ukraine: So reagieren Ukrainer in Essen, including interviews of DUAG members Dr. Kateryna Loza and Dr. Oleg Prymak, as well as Dr. Viktoriya Sokolova, 4 March 2022
Articles & Blogs:
- Viktoriya Sereda and Oksana Mikheieva (2025). How (Not) to Study a War-Affected Society: Challenges of Knowledge Production in Ukraine and Elsewhere. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 February 2025
- Humboldt Kosmos – the Humboldt Foundation’s magazine 116/2024, The faces of the foundation/ Gesichter aus der Stiftung: Combatting powerlessness/ Gegen die Ohnmacht, Oksana Seumenicht. 23 September 2024, recorded by Teresa Havlicek
- ZOiS Spotlight on Ukraine 10: Warmth, Laughter, and the Smell of Buns: Perceptions of Home among Forced Migrants from Ukraine, by Oksana Mikheieva (18 July 2024). As part of the Ukraine Research Network@ZOiS, 45 interviews were conducted with young Ukrainians who were forced to leave Ukraine after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion in 2022 and are now living in Germany or the Czech Republic. They talked about what home means for them, the importance of feeling at home, and their attitudes towards Ukraine and their host countries.
- EUA Expert voices: “Ukrainian higher education has persevered, but strategic international collaboration is key to its post-war future“, by Oksana Seumenicht (20 February 2024)
- Yaroslaw Bazaliy, Olga Garaschuk, Yury Gogotsi, Igor Anisimov, Sergiy Kvit, Anatoly Zagorodny: Ukraine: don’t relax scientific sanctions against Russia, Nature 2023 Mar; 615(7950): 34. doi: 10.1038/d41586-023-00554-8
- Research Professional News, Opinion: Helping Ukraine recover means supporting its research now. By Oksana Seumenicht. 23 February 2023
- Blog of Transregional Research, Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov: “Nothing New in the East? What the West Overlooked – or Ignored”, 26 July 2022
- NZZ: Russland braucht eine Schuldkultur, by Andrii Portnov. “Die Ukraine befreit sich vom Schatten imperialer, grossrussischer Kultur. Doch auch Russland muss sich seiner Geschichte stellen”. 20.07.2022
- Essay “Ukraine Between West and Different Easts” by Andrii Portnov, published by the Center for Intellectual History, University of Oxford, 14 July 2022
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ): Viel mehr als ein Land der Opfer with von Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, 18 April 2022
- Prof. Dr. Halyna R. Shcherbata (Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany): The Russian invasion of Ukraine: a humanitarian tragedy and a tragedy for science, EMBO Reports e55164;, This commentary has been endorsed and signed by the EMBO Young Investigators and former Young Investigators (list is included), 11 April 2022
- Laborjournal: „Sie haben die Verpflichtung, mehr zu tun“. Die ukrainische Molekularbiologin Prof. Dr. Halyna Shcherbata an der MH Hannover sprach mit uns über Hilfsbemühungen für Menschen in der Ukraine, 8 April 2022
- Cell: The voices of Ukrainian and Russian scientists, by Rostyslav Stoika, Nikita Gudimchuk, Halyna R. Shcherbata, Andrey Zaraisky, Oleksandr Shcheglovitov, Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy, Viktor Korolchuk, 6 April 2022
- Politik & Kultur: Krieg als Erwachen aus Stereotypen? Einordnung zum Verhältnis Ukraine-Russland-Europa von Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov (S.20), April 2022
- Zeitgeschichte-online: Dnipro oder Dnjepr? Über die Ortsnamen, die wir wählen, und die Folgen unserer Entscheidungen von Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, 24 March 2022
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Die Geschichte der modernen ukrainischen Staatlichkeit by Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, 22 March 2022
- Prof. Dr. Yuri (Jurijus) Gleba, CEO and majority shareholder of NOMAD Bioscience, has supported Ukrainian Army by donating 100 thousand Euro to reinforce the defense against Russian aggression
- Appeals are not enough” with Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk, Kreis Tübingen, 8 March 2022
- TH Wildau: Interview with Prof. Alina Nechyporenko and Dr. Anna Grebinyk and Dr. Sergii Grebinyk #solidaritywithukraine, 8 March 2022
- Slavic Review: For the Full Historiographical Legitimacy of Ukraine by Andrii Portnov, Tetiana Portnova, 3 March 2022
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Die kulturelle Vielfalt ist die wichtigste Grundlage für die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Ukraine. Gerade auch jetzt, in ihrer schlimmsten Zerreissprobe by Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, 2 March 2022
- Research Europe: How the research community can stand with Ukraine, by Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, 1 March 2022
- Schwäbischies Tagblatt: Tübinger Neurophysiologin rät zu klarer Kante gegen Putin, Für die Familie der Tübinger Neurophysiologin Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk aus Kiew ist der Krieg nicht erst jetzt eine Lebensrealität, von Christiane Hoyer, 1 March 2022
- SWR, in German, 28 February 2022: Friedenskundgebungen in Reutlingen und Tübingen: Gegen Krieg und für Flüchtlingshilfe, with a contribution of the DUAG president Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk
- Hypotheses von Forum Transregionale Studien: Welche Bedeutung hat Putins Rede? Ein Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, 23 February 2022, updated 6 April 2022