This Wellcome Trust (UK) funding scheme enables researchers from low- and middle-income countries to establish themselves as leading investigators in their scientific field. The scheme aims to support…
Short-talk: Dr Denys Makarov “Flexible und ultradünne Magnetfeldsensorik” (DE)
Born and raised in Ukraine, Denys obtained his Master Degree (2005) from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in Ukraine, followed by a Ph.D. (2008) from the…
Franco-Ukrainian cooperation in experimental particle and nuclear physics
Since 2007 French and Ukrainian partners cooperate in R&D and optimisation of innovative technologies for the experiments at the particle accelerators and development of accelerator techniques. The LIA…
2017 PhD Thesis Presentation Contest Finalists
On 6 October 2017 in Augsburg, at the annual meeting of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society, the Final of the 2017 PhD Thesis Presentation Contest will take place. Six…
Bukarest, 26.02-7.03.2018: The Winter Academy “Revisting the Nation: Transcultural Contact Zones in Eastern Europe”
The Winter Academy “Revisting the Nation: Transcultural Contact Zones in Eastern Europe” will be held from 26 February to 7 March 2018 in Bukarest. It will be concerned…
Berlin, Germany: Prisma Ukraïna Workshop Culture as Politics, 19 July 2017
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Forum Transregionale Studien Workshop “Culture as Politics” Link When: Wednesday 19 July 2017, 15:00–20:00 Where: Forum Transregionale Studien, Wallotstr. 14, 14193 Berlin You can download…
Dresden: ELBE Postdoc Program (Systems Biology)
At the Center for Systems Biology Dresden, Germany, the ELBE Postdoctoral Program offers fully funded Fellowships on a competitive basis. Postdoctoral researchers with backgrounds in Computational Biology, Theoretical…
UKRAINE: Exhibition of German Architects Receives a Warm Welcome in Chernivtsi
Klaus Brendle, Fachhochschule Lübeck As we reported previously, there is a successful long-term cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Lübeck and the National Chernivtsi University, funded by…
The latest issue of our newsletter has been published
With this double 9/10th issue of our Newsletter we are pleased to invite you to our Annual meeting to be held on October 6 in Augsburg, inform on…
In the heart of Europe: Historic responsibility of Germany towards Ukraine
In the heart of Europe: Historic responsibility of Germany towards Ukraine/ Mitten in Europa – Deutschlands historische Verantwortung für die Ukraine/ Україна – епіцентр Другої світової? Історична відповідальність…