The German-Ukrainian Commission of Historians announced three research fellowships for a maximum of one month’s research stay in Ukraine for doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. The call for scholarships…
BERLIN, 31 January 2019: Lecture “Some aspects of modelling with stochastic processes” by Dr. Tania Kosenkova
We cordially invite you to our next lecture within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Title: “Some aspects of modelling with stochastic processes/ Деякі аспекти моделювання за допомогою…
The latest issue of our Newsletter has been published
With this 17th issue of our Newsletter we report on the Forum of the Ukrainian Research Diaspora 2018, two ERC consolidator grants and other important prizes awarded to…
UKRAINE, Dnipro, Transregional Academy: apply by 14 January 2019
The research program Prisma Ukraïna invites scholars to apply for the participation in the Transregional Academy “After Violence: The (Im-)Possibility of Understanding and Remembering”, that will be held…
BMBF-MESU joint call for proposals: apply by 14 March 2019
Within the framework of the German-Ukrainian Cooperation in Science and Technology (WTZ) respective ministries have just announced a joint call for proposals (BMBF announcement/ MESU announcement). This funding…
A special issue of the Newsletter has been published
This first special issue of the Newsletter provides a deeper insight into a German-Ukrainian collaborative project dealing with the provenience research related to a unique historical document, to…
The USA: Grants Program 2018-2019 from the Shevchenko Scientific Society, apply by 1 February 2019
The Shevchenko Scientific Society in the USA will award grants in 2018-2019 for research on a wide range of topics and issues related to Ukrainian Studies. While priorities…
GERMANY, Greifswald: the Greifswalder Ukrainicum 2018 – Murderous Identities?
Das 23. Mal haben sich vierzig Teilnehmer zum Teil mit ihren Kindern, aus ganz Deutschland, Italien, Polen, Russland und der Ukraine am Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg zur Sommerschule „Greifswalder…
BERLIN, 6 December 2018: “Science First Hand” Lecture by Sofia Onufriv
We cordially invite you to our next “Science First Hand” lecture: Moderne ukrainische Literatur auf Deutsch: kurzer Exkurs, Tendenzen, die wichtigsten Akteure/ Modern Ukrainian literature in German: a…
Call for applicants: “Ukraine calling”, apply by 20 January 2019
The “Ukraine Calling” program is aimed at employees of German and international organizations in the fields of civil society, education, culture, politics, media, administration and economics, who would…