The Leibniz Science Campus EEGA offers Fellowships, PostDoc- and Postgraduate-Grants, Workshops and Training Courses for different audiences. The EEGA supports researchers from within and outside the science region…
GERMANY: Georg Forster Research Fellowship for researchers from developing countries, no deadline
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) offers support for individual researchers for research stays in Germany (6 – 24 months, could be split into 3 periods for senior researchers),…
SWITZERLAND, Basel: URIS fellowship for six months researching at the University of Basel
The initiative “Ukrainian Research in Switzerland” (URIS) announces two fellowships once a year. They are open to postdoctoral and senior scholars in the humanities, cultural studies and social…
The 22nd issue of our Newsletter published
In this first issue of 2020 we inform you about: an open call for our PhD Contest (apply by 3 May) and, as always, provide you with a…
This year the German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ The UKRAINE Network organizes its PhD Thesis Presentation Contest for the 5th time! Application form (download) Thousands of Ukrainian PhD students study…
Berlin, 19 March: „UKRAINE: Handbook for individual discovery”/ „UKRAINE: Handbuch für individuells entdecken“, book presentation (in German)
We cordially invite you to the next event within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Speaker: PETER KOLLER, Travel book author and owner of a travel agency specialising in…
Call for Applications: Transregional Academy, apply by 15 March 2020
Title: “Shadows of Empires. Imperial Legacies and Mythologies in East Central Europe” 14-21 September, 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria Transregional Academy is organized by Prisma Ukraïna – Research Network Eastern…
Travel scholarships for historians: apply by 29 February 2020
The German-Ukrainian Comission of Historians (DUHK) awards 3 research scholarships for a research stay in Ukraine and 3 research scholarships for a research stay in Germany. Duration: a…
Berlin, 6 February, 2020: lecture “Kyiv historians of the XIXc. – beginning of the XX c. and the Western European culture”
We cordially invite you to the next lecture within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Speaker: Dr Olena Novikova, PhD in philology TЕМА: Київські історики ХІХ – поч.…
New book: Ukraine in Histories and Stories: Essays by Ukrainian intellectuals/ Україна в історіях та оповідях: Збірка есеїв українських інтелектуалів
Published by Internews Ukraine and UkraineWorld, this book is a collection of texts by contemporary Ukrainian intellectuals: writers, historians, philosophers, political analysts, opinion leaders. The collection combines reflections…