The Horizon Europe Info Event (agenda) was designed and customized to inform different stakeholders from Ukraine in a targeted way. It included introduction by: Ms. Signe Ratso, Deputy…
GERMANY: Merck research grants program, apply until 31 August, 2021
Merck offers research grants to scientists of all career stages affiliated with any research-based institution or company of between EUR 40,000 to EUR 450,000. The supported research areas include:…
Mathematician Oleg Pikhurko wins an ERC Advanced Grant
Professor Oleg Pikhurko from the Mathematics Institute and the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, University of Warwick, UK was awarded his second ERC grant. This time it is the…
Borexino experiment awarded the EPS 2021 Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize
The 2021 Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize for an outstanding contribution to Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology is awarded to the Borexino collaboration for the groundbreaking observation of solar…
Interview-Series “Education Inside Out Germany – Ukraine”
This video interviews “Education Inside Out Germany – Ukraine” are aimed at the popularization of education and science while focusing on the activities of the German-Ukrainian NGOs and achievements…
UKRAINE, Kharkiv & Kyiv: 2 German-Ukrainian DAAD Autumn Schools “Lessons in Biomedicine Learnt from Nanotechnology & Artificial Intelligence”, apply until 15 August
The schools are breaking the ground not only by bringing German and Ukrainian scientists but also Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence under the moto “Science of today is a…
GERMANY, DAAD: Scholarships to study language, history and culture of the German minorities in CEE / CIS
This scholarship supports further training and research stays at the German universities in the areas of German as a foreign language, German as a mother tongue, German as…
2021 Huttenbach Prize awarded for the paper on the Holodomor
Nataliia Levchuk and her colleagues from the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies (Kyiv, Ukraine) and Oleh Wolowyna from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (North Carolina, USA)…
Oleksandra Keudel is awarded the ASN 25th Annual World Convention 2021 Doctoral Paper Award
The DUAG member Oleksandra Keudel (FU Berlin, Germany) received ASN 25th Annual World Convention 2021 Doctoral Paper Award for her doctoral research paper entitled “Citizen Participation in Ukrainian Regional…
EU Marie Skłodowska- Curie Actions (MSCA): The first calls published
Work Programme 2021-2022, 2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions European Researchers’ Night 2022/2023, call ID: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01-01 Deadline: 7 October Postdoctoral Fellowships, call ID: HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01-01 Deadline: 12 October European Postdoctoral Fellowships…