Days of Ukraine in Lower Saxony were held in Hannover on 30 September – 1 October 2022 under the motto “Advancing German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation: United Science – United…
FORTHCOMING EVENTS, November 2022 – February 2023
November 2022 9/11, online Відкритий семінар: ПРОГРАМА ДЛЯ НАВЧАННЯ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ МОВИ ЯК УСПАДКОВАНОЇ В НІМЕЧЧИНІ: ЧОМУ? ЯКА? ЯК? Organized by Institut für Slawistik und Hungarologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 9/11,…
14 November 2022, Vortrag, Prof. Olga Garaschuk: Ukraine: ein blinder Fleck auf der mentalen Karte Europas?
Talk: Ukraine: a blind spot on the mental map of Europe?/ Ukraine: ein blinder Fleck auf der mentalen Karte Europas? Speaker: Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk, Chair of Neurophysiology at…
DUAG supported the development of a novel blood-activating coagulator to save lives
DUAG member Prof. Rostyslav Bilyy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University and his research group developed a novel blood-activating coagulator to meet the urgent need of the…
DUAG President Professor Olga Garaschuk speaks at the third Polish-German Science Meeting in Berlin
Bringing together 17 research institutions and funding organisations from Germany and Poland, the third Polish-German Science Meeting in Berlin (27-28 October 2022) was organised by DFG and its…
U!REKA shows solidarity with Ukraine via Odesa partnership
The Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Odessa National Economic University (ONEU). The agreement outlines the network’s commitment to offer peer…
Job opening at American University Kyiv: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Software Engineering
The EPAM School of Digital Technologies (ESDT) at American University Kyiv invites applications for a full-time, open-rank, tenure-track position with a focus on software process from the design…
Nanoelectronics for Immunotherapies: Dr Larysa Baraban wins ERC Consolidator Grant
Cancer is undoubtedly a formidable disease. What is known as “immunotherapy” is increasingly becoming the scientific focus in the fight against it. Can a particular patient be treated using this…
27 October: Webinar “The Human Toll of War: Comparative perspectives on migration, resettlement, and emigration of Ukrainians in the 20th and 21st centuries”
When: 27 October, 18:00-20:00 MEZ What: Webinar “The Human Toll of War: Comparative perspectives on migration, resettlement, and emigration of Ukrainians in the 20th and 21st centuries” as…
26 October 2022: UKRAINET #Stand With Ukraine Webinar Series: “PhD in Ukraine”
Many Ukrainian PhD students, who had to flee the war brutally waged by the russian federation against Ukraine, are currently hosted by foreign universities and research institutes. In…