GERMANY, Helmholtz Visiting Researcher Grants in the field of information and data sciences: apply by 15 March 2022

The aim of this grant program promoted by the Helmholtz Information and Data Science Academy (HIDA) is to enable new research collaborations, to foster knowledge exchange, and to explore…

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DAAD: Funding for partnerships with universities in East-Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe as well as the Caucasus and Central Asia (“Eastern Partnerships”), apply by 28 February 2022

DAAD Partnerschaften mit Hochschulen in Ostmittel-, Südost- und Osteuropa sowie dem Kaukasus und Zentralasien (“Ostpartnerschaften”) support the initiation or consolidation of partnerships between HEIs in Germany and in the target…

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AUSTRIA: Vienna BioCenter Summer School 10-week Research Program for Life Science Undergrads, apply by 31 January 2022

The Vienna Biocenter Summer School provides a unique opportunity for approx. 25-30 undergraduate students to work side by side with leading researchers in a dynamic scientific environment. This…

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Parliamentary internship in Ukraine for German university graduates, apply by 7 December 2021

The German Embassy Kiev invites young German university graduates to complete an internship of approximately five months in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Parliament). Application requirements: a recently…

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