The Humboldt Foundation will implement EU programme for at-risk researchers from Ukraine, MSCA4Ukraine.
Through this programme, Ukrainian researchers will be supported to continue working on their doctorate or as a postdoc at a European host institution. To prevent a permanent brain drain, these researchers’ reintegration in Ukraine will be fostered as soon as it is again possible and collaboration between the Ukrainian university sector and the international research community will be strengthened.
In August 2022, the implementing consortium will publish further information on the scheme’s matchmaking and advisory services for researchers and prospective host organisations.
In September 2022, a call for applications with detailed information on application requirements, eligibility, evaluation and selection criteria is expected to be published.
The call will be widely disseminated, including on the Horizon4Ukraine page of the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders Portal.
MSCA4Ukraine Fellowship Programme: Preliminary information for applicants (as of 15 July 2022)
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