We cordially invite you to the next event, in an online format, within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Announcement (download in Ukrainian) Video-lecture. The video image shows:…
Category: Events
Winter School Ukraine 2020 „Five Days History – Economics – Literature – Politics”, Ukrainian Free University, Munich
For the third year in a row, a Ukrainian Studies winter school aimed at students and early stage researchers was held at the Ukrainian Free University (UFU) in…
Date: 18/05/2020, Venue: Berlin, Germany, More information here: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, 9th European History Forum “Hidden memories? Women in the 2nd World War in Eastern and South Eastern Europe. Role models, experiences of violence,…
This year the German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ The UKRAINE Network organizes its PhD Thesis Presentation Contest for the 5th time! Application form (download) Thousands of Ukrainian PhD students study…
Berlin, 19 March: „UKRAINE: Handbook for individual discovery”/ „UKRAINE: Handbuch für individuells entdecken“, book presentation (in German)
We cordially invite you to the next event within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Speaker: PETER KOLLER, Travel book author and owner of a travel agency specialising in…
Call for Applications: Transregional Academy, apply by 15 March 2020
Title: “Shadows of Empires. Imperial Legacies and Mythologies in East Central Europe” 14-21 September, 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria Transregional Academy is organized by Prisma Ukraïna – Research Network Eastern…
Berlin, 6 February, 2020: lecture “Kyiv historians of the XIXc. – beginning of the XX c. and the Western European culture”
We cordially invite you to the next lecture within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Speaker: Dr Olena Novikova, PhD in philology TЕМА: Київські історики ХІХ – поч.…
Report: International workshop “Ludwik Fleck and His Thought Collectives”
By Natalia Otrishchenko (Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv, Ukraine) How can we place ideas? We link them to people – individuals or groups –…
DEUTSCHLAND, Burgwedel: The 28 Stolperseine am 23. November 2019 für Kinder von Zwangsarbeiterinnen verlegt
von Irmtraud Heike, Kontakt: HistorikerinHeike@t-online.de In Burgwedel, einer Kleinstadt bei Hannover, existierte von September 1944 bis Kriegsende eine Einrichtung, die im NS-Sprachgebrauch verharmlosend „Ausländerkinder-Pflegestätte“ genannt wurde. Diese Einrichtung…
UKRAINE, Kyiv: Dr. Nelia Wanderka gave a lecture on Al-10Si-0.3Fe alloys
In October 2019, Dr. Nelia Wanderka (The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Institute of Applied Materials and the treasurer of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society) visited National Technical…