Born and raised in Ukraine, Denys obtained his Master Degree (2005) from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in Ukraine, followed by a Ph.D. (2008) from the…
Category: Lecture & Seminars
Berlin, Germany: Prisma Ukraïna Workshop Culture as Politics, 19 July 2017
Prisma Ukraïna Workshop, Forum Transregionale Studien Workshop “Culture as Politics” Link When: Wednesday 19 July 2017, 15:00–20:00 Where: Forum Transregionale Studien, Wallotstr. 14, 14193 Berlin You can download…
In the heart of Europe: Historic responsibility of Germany towards Ukraine
In the heart of Europe: Historic responsibility of Germany towards Ukraine/ Mitten in Europa – Deutschlands historische Verantwortung für die Ukraine/ Україна – епіцентр Другої світової? Історична відповідальність…
Denys Makarov: “DOs” and “DON’Ts” of Applying for an ERC Starting Grant (29 June 2017, Berlin)
Speaker: Dr Denys Makarov When: 18:00, 29 June 2017 (Thursday) Where: Dahlem Research School, Hittorfstr. 16, Berlin Dr Denys Makarov is the Head of the research group “Intelligent…
Open lecture: Higher Education in Ukraine: History, System and Policy (5 May 2017, University of Turku)
Associate Professor Yuliya Zayachuk’s (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) gave an open lecture on Higher Education in Ukraine at the University of Turku, Finnland. This is first…
Prisma Ukraïna Lecture Series: “Art and Revolution: Between Freedom and Crisis” (3 May 2017, Berlin)
Lecture “Art and Revolution: Between Freedom and Crisis” Date: 3 May 2017; Time: 18:00 – 19:30 Location: Room 5.57, Institute for Slavonic Studies, HU Berlin (Dorotheenstr. 65, 10117…
Talk by Dr. Olena Proskura: “Видатний український педагог Василь Олександрович Сухомлинський у діалозі з сучасністю” (12 December 2016, Berlin)
Lecture-series “Science first hand”/ Лекторій “Наука з перших уcт” Event Report Speaker: Dr Olena Proskura Talk title: Renown Ukrainian teacher Vasyl Oleksandrovych Sukhomlynskyi in a dialogue with modernity/ Видатний…
UKRAINE: “Day of Science” 12-13.11.2016
“Day of Science” in Ukraine: Your contribution and support will be appreciated! On 12-13.11 the already traditional “Days of Sciences” will take place in 7 Ukrainian cities (Dnipro,…
Talk by Dr Maryna Viazovska: “What are multiple dimensions, why it is important to tightly pack spheres, and the Kepler’s problem from the year 1611” (19 July 2016, Berlin)
Lecture Series “Science from the first hands”/ Лекторій “Наука з перших уcт” Mathematician Dr Maryna Viazovska (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), see more in the Newsletter No 3/2016, will…
Dr Dmytro Puchkov “Modern biology and pharmacology” (Guided tour, 11 June 2016, Berlin-Buch)
Lecture Series “Science from the first hands”/ Лекторій “Наука з перших уcт” Biologist Dr Dmytro Puchov within the framework of the ‘Long Night of Sciences’ will take you…