White paper: “Way forward for science in Ukraine: a perspective of the Ukrainian research diaspora”

This White Paper has been prepared by an initiative group of diaspora researchers involved in the organization of the inaugural Forum of the Ukrainian Research Diaspora, which was…

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BERLIN, 14 March 2019: Lecture “The Crimean toponomy in Ukraine: living evidence of the centuries-old interactions between Crimea and the mainland Ukraine”

We cordially invite you to our next lecture within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Title: “The Crimean toponomy in Ukraine: living evidence of the centuries-old interactions between…

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BERLIN, 31 January 2019: Lecture “Some aspects of modelling with stochastic processes” by Dr. Tania Kosenkova

We cordially invite you to our next lecture within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Title: “Some aspects of modelling with stochastic processes/ Деякі аспекти моделювання за допомогою…

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Annual Meeting 2018 of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (4-5 October 2018, Dresden)

Die Jahrestagung 2018 der Deutsch-Ukrainischen Akademischen Gesellschaft e.V. findet am 4.-5. Oktober 2018 in Dresden statt. Щорічне засідання Німецько-Українського Академічного Товариства відбудеться 4-5 жовтня 2018 в Дрездені, Німеччина.…

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