On 11 October 2016, 4 eminent scientists and 2 institutions received the UNESCO Medals for Contributions to the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies during a ceremony held at…
UKRAINE becomes an associate member of CERN on 5 October 2016
Ukraine becomes an associate member of CERN on 5 October 2016 “Our hard and consistent work over the past two decades has been crowned today by a remarkable…
2016 PhD Thesis Presentation Contest
Back to Ukraine: Interview with a DAAD Alumna and active UKRAINE Network Member Yana Liashko
Yana won a DAAD-scholarship and studied ‘German as a foreign language’ at the University of Leipzig in 2013-2015. She attended our Networking Event in January 2016 in Berlin,…
Horizon 2020 funding helps Ukrainian start-up expand to European markets
The start-up ‘Streamozone’ of the National Scientific Centre ‘Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology’ was successful in joining 30 organisations from 15 countries worldwide as a member of…
UKRAINE: The Members of the Identification Committee Have Been Approved
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the personal staff of the Identification Committee on Science. The order was passed by the Government on September, 14. According to…
GERMANY, Essen: Summer School “Perspectives for Young Researchers in Science and Education”
27 young scientists from different research areas from Belarus, Poland and Ukraine came together for this rather different summer school. First, the participants spent two days in Strasbourg,…
Alexander Filippov has been awarded the Georg Forster Research Award by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Professor Alexander Filippov (Donetsk, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) is well known internationally for his outstanding research in the fields of theoretical and applied physics. He has…
GERMANY, Greifswald: 21st Greifswalder Ukrainicum
21st Greifswalder Ukrainicum: Closing Pandora’s Box. Ukraine’s Path to Peace, 8–20.08.2016 The “Greifswalder Ukrainicum” is an international summer school on science, culture and language of Ukraine. It has…
UKRAINE: “Day of Science” 12-13.11.2016
“Day of Science” in Ukraine: Your contribution and support will be appreciated! On 12-13.11 the already traditional “Days of Sciences” will take place in 7 Ukrainian cities (Dnipro,…