(in German) Speaker: Matthias Benz (NZZ) Commentator: Robert Kirchner (Deutsche Beratergruppe Ukraine / Berlin Economics) Venue: ZOiS, Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin Ukraine has experienced a significant wave of…
DAAD call: Support for the internationalization of Ukrainian HEIs/ Unterstützung der Internationalisierung ukrainischer Hochschulen 2019-2021, apply by 28 June 2019
Please note: eligible to apply are German Higher Education Institutions, therefore the information below is provided in German More information Ziel des Programms Das Programm zielt darauf ab,…
White paper: “Way forward for science in Ukraine: a perspective of the Ukrainian research diaspora”
This White Paper has been prepared by an initiative group of diaspora researchers involved in the organization of the inaugural Forum of the Ukrainian Research Diaspora, which was…
GERMANY/POLAND: Viadrina Ukrainian Studies Conference “Rethinking Ukrainian Studies: Locally, Regionally, Transnationally”, 16-17 May 2019
The conference with a focus on Ukrainian transnational research will be held on 16-17 May 2019 in Frankfurt/ Oder and Słubice. Organiser: Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, Chair of Entangled…
National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU): Call for International Referees
The newly established National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) is going to be the largest science funding body in Ukraine open for all researchers, independent of their affiliations.…
GERMANY, Bavaria: Funding for International Cooperation in 2019
The Bavarian Funding Programme for the Initiation of International Projects (BayIntAn) provides assistance for establishing and strengthening the scientific cooperation between scientists at Bavarian state and state-supported non-state universities and…
GERMANY: Environmental Research Scholarships for Graduates from Central and Eastern Europe, apply by 10 March 2019
Scholarship program provided by the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) supports further education in Germany for graduate students in environmental sciences and ecology. Aims advanced qualification of graduates of all disciplines for environmental…
BERLIN, 14 March 2019: Lecture “The Crimean toponomy in Ukraine: living evidence of the centuries-old interactions between Crimea and the mainland Ukraine”
We cordially invite you to our next lecture within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Title: “The Crimean toponomy in Ukraine: living evidence of the centuries-old interactions between…
GERMANY, Regensburg, 11-15 March 2019: Winter School Ukraine “Five Days History – Economy – Literature – Politics”, apply by 5 March
The Winter School Ukraine “Five Days History – Economy – Literature – Politics” 2019 invites students and young scientists as well as general public interested in social institutions, media and fundamental…
Student scholarship program for studies in Eastern Europe: apply until 1 March, 2019
The scholarship program “Metropolises in Eastern Europe” supports German students to study or to realize a scientific project in Eastern Europe. The program is financed by the Alfried…