von Irmtraud Heike, Kontakt: HistorikerinHeike@t-online.de In Burgwedel, einer Kleinstadt bei Hannover, existierte von September 1944 bis Kriegsende eine Einrichtung, die im NS-Sprachgebrauch verharmlosend „Ausländerkinder-Pflegestätte“ genannt wurde. Diese Einrichtung…
GERMANY, BMBF: Funding of the German-Ukrainian “Cores of Excellence”, apply by 15 April 2020
Please note: the closing date of this funding call was extended till 15th of April 2020! After the meeting in Kyiv of Mr. Thomas Rachel, the German Parliamentary…
UKRAINE, Kyiv: Dr. Nelia Wanderka gave a lecture on Al-10Si-0.3Fe alloys
In October 2019, Dr. Nelia Wanderka (The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Institute of Applied Materials and the treasurer of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society) visited National Technical…
UKRAINE, Chernihiv: First project workshop in the frame of the Ukrainian EU Association with Institute for European Politics (Berlin)
Institute for European Politics (IEP) initiated a new project phase of Civic School for Sound EU Practice (CiSEP). The first project workshop on the Association of Ukraine to the…
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Training for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine, apply until 7 January 2020
FH Münster (Germany) invites applications for the new Professional Development Programme for Ukrainian Higher Education Administrators in the field of Internationalization in Higher Education and Science Management “Training for…
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Training for university managers, apply until 15 December 2019
Leibniz University Hannover invites applications for the training course “Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020-2021”. The application deadline is 15 December 2019. This current blended learning…
FH Münster offers Training for Higher Education Administrators in Ukraine
THEA Ukraine is a Professional Development Programme for Ukrainian Higher Education Administrators in the field of Internationalisation in Higher Education and Science Management. It combines training elements with…
Leibniz University Hannover offers a New Training Course “Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020-2021”
This blended learning training course “Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation” has been developed by the International Office (IO) of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) and supported by…
British Council in Ukraine: digital innovation competition, apply until 10 January 2020
A global innovation challenge #IdeasChangeLives is looking for digital solutions to the world’s greatest problems. People with a fresh, entrepreneurial spirit and a big idea that has the potential to…
GERMANY: special funding for diaspora and returning experts to developing countries and emerging economies
The German Government’s competence centre for international labour mobility (CIM) facilitates the transfer of knowledge from individuals to developing countries and emerging economies. CIM supports individuals who wish to…