Back2UA program has been created to offer a comprehensive information and transport solutions for Ukrainians wishing to return to their country. Back2UA’s mission is to offer regular bus…
Ukraïnica: An Ever-Expanding Resource for Teaching Ukraine
Source: HURI announcement The Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University (HURI), in partnership with the Ukrainian Institute, has launched a new and expanding tool for educators and researchers to…
Overseas Press Club of America: Grants to Ukrainian Journalists
The Overseas Press Club of America (OPC) is pleased to announce that it will award a limited number of grants in cash or photographic/video equipment to Ukraine journalists…
IWM, Vienna: Documenting Ukraine Grants, deadline: 30 September
Vital work is being done by those who create a record of the war in Ukraine, who capture the human experience of that war, and who make it…
IWM, Vienna awards over 120 Documenting Ukraine Grants
Since the launch of the program Documenting Ukraine in April 2022, the IWM has awarded over 120 grants to projects that contribute to creating a wide-ranging record of…
FORTHCOMING EVENTS, September 2022 – February 2023
September 2022 6/09, Online New course at the DAAD International Academy (in German): Interkulturelle Kompetenz Ukraine (55 – Online). Anmeldung: bis 16 August 2022, Program 6/09, Online Virtual Academy on Science…
An interview with Pavlo Bazilinskyy
The EURAXESS network interviewed Pavlo Bazilinskyy, a Ukrainian national performing his research in the Netherlands, to ask direct insights about the ongoing war and its impact on the…
Professional Network of Research & HE Managers of Ukraine launched
NGO “Professional Network of Research and HE Managers in Ukraine (PNRM Ukraine)” is a new initiative aimed at creating a network of professional managers of education and science…
Ukrainian Institute London announced finalists of the online writing residency Ukraine Lab
Six emerging writers from Ukraine and the UK have been selected for the online writing residency Ukraine Lab run by the Ukrainian Institute London in partnership with PEN…
GERMANY, TU Dresden: Grants for female postdocs from Ukraine, apply by 31 December 2022
To support young female scientists from Ukraine fleeing the war, TU Dresden supports research stays of female postdocs through the Maria Reiche Welcome Grants. Application deadline: 31.12.2022 Heads…