This is an opportunity for Ukrainian scientists who remain in Ukraine to continue their research activities. They will receive a stipend of EUR 2,000, access to all the…
Call for applications: Helmholtz Prize 2024
The Helmholtz Fund has announced a call for applications for the Helmholtz Prize 2024. The prize can be awarded for extraordinary research achievements in a specific field and…
Introductory Workshop to Open Education Resources, 6 March 2023
Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology conducts an “Introductory Workshop to Open Education Resources” for representatives of Ukrainian institutions. The workshop takes place online on 6 March…
Australia, Melbourne: Mykola Zerov Fellow in Ukrainian Studies, apply by 27 March 2023 11:55 PM AUS EDT
The Mykola Zerov Fellow at The University of Melbourne, Australia, will conduct research relevant to Ukrainian Studies within the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies (SHAPS). In addition,…
March 2023 01/03, 10.50 am 12.30 pm CET, online ZOiS UNET Series, Workshop: Evacuation Alerts: Behavioural Insights from Ukraine, With Volodymyr Vakhitov, Natalia Zaika, Monika Pompeo and Anastasiya…
English-language Academic Communication Program
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv announced a call for the second international professional development program “English-language Academic Communication in the Cross-cultural Context” that will take place between…
MSCA4Ukraine Awards are announced
The MSCA4Ukraine consortium announced the results of the scheme’s evaluation and selection process. Funded under the EU’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, the scheme will provide fellowship support to 124…
23 February 2023, Prisma Ukraïna: Dr. Andrii Portnov presents his new book about Dnipro
Dr. Andrii Portnov introduces his new book, Dnipro: An Entangled History of a European City. This hybrid event will be held on February 23, 2023, from 17:00 to…
28 February 2023, Open Lecture (in Ukrainian): Cultural practics of Ukrainians during the war
Announcement (in Ukrainian)/ оголошення TЕМА: Культурні практики українців під час війни ДОПОВІДАЧКА: докторка культурології, проф. Ірина Петрова (Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв / «Die Cologne/Bonn Academy in…
23-24 February 2023: Light for Ukraine – synchrotron workshop at SOLARIS
2-day online workshop organized by SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Krakow, the League of European Accelerator Based-Photon Sources – LEAPS and The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine…