The annual data-journalism conference “Visualizing Knowledge” is being organized since 2012 by the Aalto University in Finland. This year’s conference hold the title “Visualizing Uncertainty” and included a…
Springer Nature: Open Position for a Researcher in Residence for Candidates from Ukraine
The Springer Nature Researcher in Residence Programme is now accepting applications, with a particular emphasis on researchers from Ukraine. Springer Nature enables global discovery for researchers, educators, clinicians,…
GERMANY: 13th Call of the Philipp Schwartz Initiative is opened, nominations to be submitted until 15 September 2023
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation PSI programme allows researchers who are subject to significant and continuous personal threat in their country of origin to continue their work at…
FORTHCOMING EVENTS, July – October 2023
July 2023 02-14/07, Uzhhorod, Ukraine Biological Data Science Summer School focuses on the fundamental and advanced techniques of bioinformatics and computational data analysis of modern molecular data types…
OER4Ukraine / OER4Україна: Open Education Resources with Ukraine
Ukrainian scientists, teachers and students are invited to use and collaborate on portals for digital teaching and learning resources. TIB (Leibniz University Hannover) offers digital educational resources and…
Congratulations: Michael Richter, DUAG PhD contest awardee 2022, submitted his doctoral dissertation “Power, Politics, and Anti-Corruption Reforms in Ukraine: The Role of Western Actors”
After almost three years in the making, Michael Martin Richter (Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen, Germany / Bremen International Graduate School of…
Report: Survey on the needs and priorities of local authorities of Ukraine
DUAG members Dr Oksana Huss and Dr Oleksandra Keudel developed and carried out the study of municipal authorities’ war-time crises response “Survey on the needs and priorities of…
Stanford Online Radiation Oncology Course
Upon #HelpUkraineGroup (HUG) initiative, Stanford Radiation Oncology department is organizing the online course for radiation oncologists, medical physicists, and RTTs and inviting Ukrainians to participate. 🇺🇦 The course…
WeА launched OPIR: inforesource on the resistance movement in Ukraine
OPIR, launched by WeА, is an English-language special historical project dedicated to the history of the resistance movement in Ukraine over the past century, from 1917 to the…
Mentoring Programme Ukraine: Supporting Women and the LGBTIQ Community
The ifa Mentoring Programme Ukraine is targeted at displaced women and members of the LGBTIQ community from Ukraine who work in the art and culture industry. Supported can…