We cordially invite you to our next “Science First Hand” lecture: Структурно-семантичні особливості староукраїнського тексту кінця 17 – початку 18 століття/ Structural and semantic features of the Old…
GERMANY, Call for applications: Training Course “Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2024”, apply by 15 December
This blended learning training course “Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation” has been developed by the International Office (IO) of Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) and supported by…
Optics and Photonics Community living in Ukraine: Grants for Ukrainian Researchers and Educators, apply by 30 November
The Nanophotonics Journal, in collaboration with De Gruyter and the Optica Foundation, is proud to announce a grant program to support Ukrainian researchers and educators. This program aims…
Promoting health care in Ukraine under wartime conditions: Training, medical education and professional exchange via podcasts as well as on site
The initiative, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health, aims to support healthcare professionals in Ukraine during times of war. Podcasts on a variety of medical topics…
GERMANY, Special call for proposals of the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung: Digitale Gesundheit in Entwicklungsländern, apply by 31 January 2024
The aim of the funding is to strengthen the use of already developed digital technologies (software, digital devices, etc.) in the healthcare sector. The aim is also to…
Germany, Berlin: Ministerial meeting to strengthen 30 years of German-Ukrainian Science and Technology Cooperation
On 8. November 2023, an event “30 years of German-Ukrainian Science and Technology Cooperation” took place in Berlin (see the Program here). The Federal Minister of Education and…
The Volkswagen Foundation: Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study, a project for the post-war future
The Volkswagen Foundation is funding the Virtual Ukraine Institute for Advanced Study with almost one million euros. The opening and the first conference took place in Berlin on…
HUMBOLDT4UKRAINE: Researchers offer recommendations for rebuilding Ukrainian science and academia
During a series of HUMBOLDT4UKRAINE events, researchers and experts from Ukraine and more than 20 other countries discussed support measures that are necessary now and will be necessary…
First Ukrainian Science Diaspora Forum took place in Frankfurt
On 8-9th November, the First Ukrainian Science Diaspora Forum took place in Frankfurt as part of the conference ‘Rebuilding Ukraine: Ukrainian Science in War and Postwar time’. It…
Event Report: Days of Ukraine in North-Rhine Westphalia (Essen, 28-29 September 2023)
Days of Ukraine in North-Rhine Westphalia were organized alongside of the annual meeting of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (DUAG) and took place in Essen on 28-29 September 2023.…