Ukrainian Free University together with Journal Brussel Ukraїna Review will host the first panel discussion from the series on “Mind mapping Ukraine in Europe: where does Ukraine belong?…
Category: Lecture & Seminars
New Initiative: German-Ukrainian Digital Partnership
The “German Ukrainian Digital Partnership” is a special network platform to connect the decision makers from business environment and economic institutions in Germany with IT clusters, Tech Schools,…
17 March 2021: Panel Discussion “Europe’s Emerging Tech Driver: Scale Your Business with Ukraine”
Join this informational and inspiring online event to discover the growth opportunities Ukraine offers to foreign businesses in 2021: Discussion Topics: Ukrainian tech industry: achievements and challenges Potential…
11 March 2021: Online Lecture “Ukrainian Studies in Germany: Historical Insights and Current State/ Німецька україністика: сторінки історії та сучасний стан”, by Dr. Olesia Lazarenko
O.O. Potebnia Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine invites to an online lecture by Dr. Olesia Lazarenko, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Research Fellow at…
Wednesday, 24 February: Presentation of the Migration & Diaspora program (online)
26 February 2021, Web-lecture: “Phenomenon of Lesia Ukraїnka/ Феномен Лесі Українки”, in Ukrainian
25 February 2021, Web-lecture: “Lesia Ukraїnka and the Ukrainian modernism/ Lesja Ukraїnka und die ukrainische Moderne”, in German
17 December 2020, Web-lecture: “The rise and fall of the Kharkiv physical science school during the years of Stalinist terror”, in Ukrainian
We cordially invite you to the next event, in an online format, within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Announcement (download in Ukrainian) Speaker: Dr. Oleg Feia, researcher at…
Online seminar by Dr. Stefaniya Ptashnyk “Verankerte und gelebte Mehrsprachigkeit an den Lemberger Gymnasien 1848-1918”
This lecture will be given in German by the DUAG member Dr. Stefaniya Ptashnyk within the framework of the online lecture series of the University of Vienna entitled…
Ukrainian Studies Online Colloquium
This colloquium is organized by the Chair Entangled History of Ukraine – European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) – and Prisma Ukraïna – Research Network. Eastern Europe at the…