by Anna Grebinyk, PhD student at TH Wildau, Germany On the May 17th, 2018 the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv welcomed open lectures given by Prof. Paras…
Category: Lecture & Seminars
BERLIN, 24 May 2018: “Science First Hand” Lecture by Prof. Andrii Portnov
Topic: “Attitudes to Ukraine in the German Society: Historical Stereotypes and Participant Observations” Announcement-download (in Ukrainian) Speaker: Professor of Entangled History of Ukraine at the European University Viadrina…
BERLIN, 7 Juni 2018: Next “Science First Hand” Lecture by Prof. Jochen Fornasier
Topic: “On the banks of the Bug. German-Ukrainian excavations in the ancient city Olbia Pontike” (announcement-download) Speaker: Prof. Jochen Fornasier, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Archaeological…
Berlin, 22 March 2018: “In the footsteps of the stalker: the zone as a place of collective memory (S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl)”
Our Berlin-Brandenburg regional group cordially invites you to the next lecture within the framework of the “Science first hand” series: Announcement (download) Topic: In the footsteps of the…
EVENT REPORT: German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers (Part II, Germany, February 2018)
Supporting early-career researchers and fostering German-Ukrainian scientific cooperation The German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers took place in December 2017 in Ukraine and in February 2018 in Germany On…
Berlin, 8 February: “Novel approaches to understanding brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease”
Our Berlin-Brandenburg regional group cordially invites you to the next lecture within the framework of the “Science first hand” series: Тopic: Novel approaches to understanding brain aging and…
Berlin, 7 December 2017, Panel Discussion: Memories of a Better Future? Analysing Post-Maidan Condition from Multiple Perspectives
Panel Discussion: Memories of a Better Future? Analysing Post-Maidan Condition from Multiple Perspectives Date: 07.12.2017 Time: 18:15 Venue: Robert Bosch Stiftung, Französische Straße 32, 10117 Berlin Registration (Link)…
KYIV, 9 December 2017: Information Session on Funding Opportunities for German-Ukrainian Cooperation
University of Tübingen in cooperation with the German-Ukrainian Academic Society is organizing the German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers, supported by the DAAD from the means of the German…
BERLIN: Scientific-didactic Workshop “Ukrainian as a foreign and heritage language in Germany”, 17-18 November 2017
This workshop will be held in German and Ukrainian. Wissenschaftlich-didaktischer Workshop „Ukrainisch als Fremd- und Herkunftssprache in Deutschland“ Anlässlich des Jahres der ukrainischen Sprache in Deutschland 2017-2018 Datum:…
Berlin, Talk (UA): Ukrainian Language in Germany: from Saturday schools to university studies. History, development and current state.
Лекторій: Наука з перших вуст Announcement TALK (in Ukrainian): Українська мова в Німеччині: від суботніх шкіл до університетських студій. Історія, розвиток, сучасний стан/ Ukrainian Language in Germany: from…