September 2022 6/09, Online New course at the DAAD International Academy (in German): Interkulturelle Kompetenz Ukraine (55 – Online). Anmeldung: bis 16 August 2022, Program 6/09, Online Virtual Academy on Science…
Category: Courses & Summer Schools
FORTHCOMING EVENTS, August – October 2022
August 2022 01/08 – 20:00 (British Summer Time) Russophone Writing in Ukraine, Andrei Kurkov, Boris and Liudmila Khersonsky by Lecturer: Vitaly Chernetsky (University of Kansas) in the frame of the intensive…
New courses of the DAAD International Academy (in German)
6 September 2022: Interkulturelle Kompetenz Ukraine (55 – Online) Anmeldung: bis 16 August 2022 Programm 21-22 September 2022: Bildungshintergründe, rechtliche Situation, Unterstützungsangebote und Hochschulzugang von geflüchteten Studierenden aus der…
Institute of Molecular Biology: Online International Summer School “Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Genome Stability”, apply by 26 May 2022
Institute of Molecular Biology (Mainz, Germany) welcomes Master’s students from all over the world to an online International Summer School “Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Genome Stability”. The 3-week online…
Wildau Welcome IT School for Ukrainian Students
The Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau, near Berlin) launches Wildau Welcome IT School aiming to offer students who fled from Ukraine and had to interrupt…
Istoria: an online course on Ukrainian history (14 February – 4 April 2022)
The Ukrainian Institute London organizes an online course dedicated to the historical issues from the legacy of Kyivan Rus to contemporary perceptions of the Donbas. It will examine…
Bavaria: Training in international action competence with a focus on higher education in Russia, Ukraine and Poland
BAYHOST (the Bavarian Higher Education Centre for Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe) invites all employees of Bavarian universities to an intercultural online training on Russia, Ukraine and…
UKRAINE, Kharkiv and Kyiv: 2 German-Ukrainian DAAD Autumn Schools
The Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau organized two Autumn Schools in Kharkiv and Kyiv entitled “Lessons for Biomedicine learnt from Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence” (27 September – 8 October…
Apply until 15 August: 27/09-08/10.2021, Two German-Ukrainian DAAD Autumn Schools “Lessons in Biomedicine Learnt from Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence” in Kharkiv and Kyiv 9-21/08/2021 Ukrainicum (Krupp-Kolleg), The Greifswald Ukrainicum…
UKRAINE, Kharkiv & Kyiv: 2 German-Ukrainian DAAD Autumn Schools “Lessons in Biomedicine Learnt from Nanotechnology & Artificial Intelligence”, apply until 15 August
The schools are breaking the ground not only by bringing German and Ukrainian scientists but also Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence under the moto “Science of today is a…