Horizon Europe, Teaming for Excellence: 1st stage proposals can be submitted by 10 April 2025

Teaming actions are aimed at creating new or modernising existing centres of excellence in Widening countries through strategic partnerships with leading institutions abroad. The impact is expected to be amplified by the conditionality of securing complementary investment from structural funds or other sources.

More information (HORIZON-WIDERA-2025-ACCESS-01-01-two-stage)

Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Increased scientific capabilities of the coordinating institution and the host country enabling the coordinator and other potential entities from that country to successfully apply for competitive funding in the European Union and globally;
  • Improved the R&I culture of the country hosting the co-ordinator (indicators such as research intensity, innovation performance, values towards R&I) through centres of excellence as lighthouses and role models;
  • Stimulus for institutional and systemic reforms and R&I investments at national level taking into account the enabling conditions on governance of smart specialisation introduced under cohesion policy programmes as far as applicable;
  • Strengthened and mutually benefitting collaboration with partners from leading scientific institutions from abroad;
  • Development and promotion of new research strands in relevant domains;
  • Developed and enhanced research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies;
  • Contribution to the achievement of the specific objectives of the supporting national/regional/EU programme as complementary funding;
  • Enhanced innovation and integration of planned processes, services and products of the centre;
  • Enhanced co-operation and synergies with other European projects.

The deadline of the second stage is 20 January 2026 (17:00)