June 2023
- 1-2/06, Online
Conference “Young Science Beyond Borders”. Registration deadline 10th of May. The YSBB 2023 is a multidisciplinary research and networking conference intended to create a discussion forum for Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRS) up to 12 years after PhD from Poland and students primarily from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In particular, the conference is dedicated to scientists at risk, including conflict-affected countries (e.g. Ukraine). The Polish Young Academy is the main organizer of this event.
- 2-4/06, Berlin
Annual Meeting of Local Erasmus+ Initiatives for representatives of the Local Erasmus+ Initiatives. The Meeting is aimed at providing an opportunity for the members of the initiatives to have an intensive exchange about their own activities and examples of good practice.
- 06/06, 16.15-17.45, CET, online
Lecture “Hey, Google, are there US biolabs in Ukraine? AI-driven systems as a means of facilitating and countering the spread of disinformation about the war in Ukraine” by Mykola Makhortykh, University of Bern. The lecture is a part of the lecture series “Russia’s war, Ukraine’s resistance: historical, cultural, religious & media aspects”, organised by the group of scholars at the Europa-Universität Flensburg in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies, European Centre for Minority Issues and fellow of the Philipp Schwarz Initiative.
- 06/06, 16.00-21.00, CET, Stuttgart, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart & ifa
Guided tour and panel discussion “Ukraine: The Role of the Arts in Times of War”.
- 09/06, 12.30-14.00, online
Lecture “Early career researchers and intersectoral mobility” within the YERUN lunchtime series on early career researchers.
- 12/06, 19:00–21:00, CET, Hannover, Xplanatorium Herrenhausen & online
“Demokratiekrise, Migration, De-Globalisierung – Gesellschaft im Wandel” [“Crisis of Democracy, Migration, De-Globalisation – Society in Transformation”] – discussion with experts (in German), organized by the VolkswagenStiftung.
- 13/06, 16.15-17.45, CET, online
Discussion “Historical, cultural, religious and media aspects of Russia’s war in Ukraine”. The discussion is a part of the lecture series “Russia’s war, Ukraine’s resistance: historical, cultural, religious & media aspects”, organised by the group of scholars at the Europa-Universität Flensburg in cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies, European Centre for Minority Issues and fellow of the Philipp Schwarz Initiative.
- 14/06, 17.00-19.30, CET, Prague & online
UA CZ Science Meetup, organized by Czexpats in Science and supported by Bakala Foundation.
Registration for the event is available under the link.
The program of the event:
- Ivan Rektor, CEITEC, Masaryk University, St. Anne’s University Hospital, Brno: “Neurobiological and psychological impact of acute war stress on Ukrainian refugees”;
- Yevheniia Polishchuk, RMU Young Scientist Council, Kyiv National Economic University: “The Ukrainian science diaspora”;
- Nataliya Butych, Managing Director DUAG; Regional Coordinator Eastern Europe, Leibnitz University Hannover “German-Ukrainian Academic Society (DUAG): Advantages of networking”.
- 15-16/05, Berlin (in German and English)
DGO-JAHRESTAGUNG “Flucht und Exil im östlichen Europa. Macht und Ohnmacht/ Displacement and Exile in Eastern Europe: Power and Paralysis“, in Kooperation mit der Stiftung Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung. Program (in German)
- 15/06, 18:45 Flucht und Exil. Die ukrainische Erfahrung. Vortrag. JURKO PROCHASKO, Schriftsteller und Übersetzer, Lviv.
- 15/05, 19:15 Historische Erfahrungen mit Flucht und Emigration in der Ukraine und ihre Rolle in der Gegenwart. Podiumsdiskussion, mit ANDRII PORTNOV, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), VIKTORIYA SEREDA, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv / Freie Universität Berlin, JURKO PROCHASKO, Schriftsteller und Übersetzer, Lviv.
- 16/06, 12.30-14.00, CET, online
Lecture “Mentoring early career researchers and staff in universities” within the YERUN lunchtime series on early career researchers.
- 20/06, 09.00-16.00, BST, London & online
“Shaping the new Ukraine: Delivering resilient recovery” in conjunction with the international Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023, organized by Chatham House. Registration for the event is available under the link.
- 21/06, 08.30-09:00, CET, online
AHK Ukraine Talk with Anka Feldhusen, German Ambassador to Ukraine, covering the following topics:
- Look back on 4 years as Ambassador to Ukraine
- German companies in the war
- Rebuild Ukraine: Possible priorities.
Registration for the event is available under the link.
- 22/06, 16.15-18:00, BST, London & online
Session “In-Conversation: Perspectives from Ukraine” within the scientific symposium “Crises and the Importance of Research: How Prepared Can We Be?” with Luke Drury, Simon Goldhill, Aisel Omarova, Larysa Zasiekina.
Registration for the event is available under the link.
- 23/06, 12.30-14.00, online
Lecture “Funding schemes and their implications for early academic careers” within the YERUN lunchtime series on early career researchers.
- 26/06, 12:00–28/06, 13:00, CET, Hannover, Xplanatorium Herrenhausen & online
Networking workshop “Transformation of Democracy”, organized by the VolkswagenStiftung. The objective of the workshop is to establish connections between researchers and members of civil society, and to generate preliminary ideas for collaborative, interdisciplinary research projects in anticipation of submitting a proposal for the recently launched funding program, “Transformation of Democracy”. The application deadline is set for May 8th, 2023.
- 28/06, online
DUAG “Science First Hand” Lecture: The Language of Seventeenth-Century Kyivan Elites and Corpus Linguistics: How to Combine Them? by Prof. Dr. Halyna Naienko
- 29/06, Tübingen
🇺🇦🇪🇺 | Das Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen und die Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit laden am 29.06. (18:15h) ein zur Diskussion um die #Ukraine und die europäische Sicherheitsordnung “In Trümmern – zerbombte Ukraine, zerstörte Sicherheitsordnung. Wie weiter?” mit den spannenden Gästen Dr. Oksana Huss, Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala und Prof. Dr. Thomas Diez. Prof. Dr. Klaus Gestwa wird moderieren.
- 29/06, 19:00–20:30, CET, online
Online Seminar „Archives on Ukrainian History in Times of War: Ukrainian, Canadian and German Perspectives” with Myron Momryk (Historian and former Project Archivist at the Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa), Andriy Kohut (Director of the Security Service of Ukraine Sectoral State Archive, Kyiv, Ukraine), Angela Abmeier (German Federal Archives, Koblenz, Germany), moderated by Guido Hausmann, University of Regensburg (Germany), Martin Aust, University of Bonn (Germany) and Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada). The seminar is organised in cooperation with the German Association of East European Historians/Verband der Osteuropahistorikerinnen und -historiker (VOH).
Registration for the event is available under the link. A recording of the seminar will be published on the Youtube channel of the German-Ukrainian Historical Commission.
July 2023
- 02-14/07, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
Biological Data Science Summer School focuses on the fundamental and advanced techniques of bioinformatics and computational data analysis of modern molecular data types in biology and biomedicine (genomics, multi-omics). The lectures cover topics such as the fundamentals of biology, quantitative measurement techniques using modern biotechnologies, statistical analysis, data visualization, and computational toolsets. The practical exercises involve working with real datasets from recent international research projects and utilizing the R / Bioconductor and/or Python environments.
Application for the school is open until 20/05.
- 05/07, 10:00 – 12:00 CEST, Hannover and online
Project presentation ““Open Education Recourses with Ukraine: Informatics”. Supported by the DAAD, this project aims to support the Ukrainian partner universities of LUH in Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv and Lviv to maintain their virtual study courses. Teaching and learning videos from various fields of computer science are produced and published under Creative Commons (CC-BY) licences on the TIB AV-Portal and integrated into the ongoing teaching activities of the partner universities. The videos are translated, subtitled and prepared as Open Educational Resources. To get an insight into the project, exchange ideas and network, you are welcome to join the project presentation. Registration: by the 3rd July 2023
- 07/07, 18.30, CET, Berlin
Reading with the modern Ukrainian author Tanya Maljarchuk “Gleich geht die Geschichte weiter, wir atmen nur aus” [“The story is about to continue, we are just exhaling”] within the event series EUROPAerlesen. The reading will be moderated by Michael Serrer, Director of the North Rhine-Westphalia Literature Office, and musically accompanied by the Ukrainian jazz musician Ganna Gryniva.
Registration for the event is available under the link.
- 28-29/07, Bonn
DAAD Alumna Meeting for Ukrainian researchers “Science in Exile”, organized by DAAD National Academic Contact Point Ukraine. Registration for the meeting is open until 20/05 under the link.
August 2023
- 07-19/08, Greifswald
Summer School Ukrainicum “After the Empires? Ukraine’s (Post-)Colonial Entanglements” under the academic direction of Professor Dr. Roman Dubasevych (Greifswald) and Dr. Oleksandr Chertenko (Casting).
Registration for the school and scholarships is open until 19/06 under the link.
XXVII. Greifswalder Ukrainicum will include the following events:
- Keynote lecture on “Postcolonial Perspectives on Eastern Europe: Ambivalences and Simplifications”, Prof. Dr. Dirk Uffelmann (Justus Liebig University Giessen).
- Introductory lecture, JProf. Dr. Roman Dubasevych (University of Greifswald).
- Seminars, Prof. Dr. Tomasz Zarycki (Warsaw),Dr. Tarik Cyril Amar (Istanbul) Börries Kuzmany (Wien) and Dr. Oleksandr Chertenko (Giessen).
- Language courses, PD Dr. Hanna Shvets (Kyiv), Dr. Olena Synchak (L’viv) and Dr. Ksenia Borodin (L’viv).
- Guest lektures, Dr. Inna Melnykovska.
- Mini-workshop on literary translation, Lydia Nagel (Berlin)
- Screening of two movies with a following discussion: “Atlantis” (Atlantyda, UA 2019) by Valentyn Vasyanovych, and “Luxemburg, Luxemburg” by Antonio Lukich
September 2023
- 12/09, 18:00–23:00, CET, Hannover, Xplanatorium Herrenhausen
“Karrieren im Wandel: Erfolge – Erfahrungen – Errungenschaften” [“Careers in Transformation: Successes – Experiences – Achievements”] – discussion with experts (in German), organized by the VolkswagenStiftung.
- 19-20/09, Magdeburg & online
Erasmus+ Annual Meeting in Higher Education “Erasmus+ at your higher education institution: state of play, opportunities, challenges”
- 27-28/09, Berlin
- 28-29/09, Essen
Ukraine Days in North Rhine-Westphalia, including Annual Meeting of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society and the Final of the UKRAINET PhD Contest
- 28-29/09, Ottawa, Canada
17th Annual Danyliw Research Seminar on Contemporary Ukraine. Call for proposals from researchers in the field of political science, anthropology, sociology, history, law, economics and related disciplines in the social sciences and humanities is open until 21.06.2023. The topics related to the current war and to Ukrainian studies in general may be submitted.
October 2023
- 5-7/10, Wroclaw (Poland)
Workshop for young researchers “Genocide in History and Law“, organised by the German-Ukrainian Historical Commission (DUHK/УНІК) conjointly with Willy Brandt Center for German and European Studies.
The main focus of the workshop will lay on the Genocide convention of the UN Charta and its applicability to different case studies, up to the current Russian-Ukrainian war. The deadline for applications is 01/05/2023.
Video-recordings of some past events/ relevant YouTube channels:
- The Making of Modern Ukraine: A Free Online Course from Professor Timothy Snyder, Yale University
- Entangled History of Ukraine, European University Viadrina/ PRISMA UKRAЇNA
- Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University
- Deutsch-Ukrainische Historikerkommission (DUHK)
- Ukrainian Institute London
- Events of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation
- The Shevchenko Scientific Society (USA)
- The Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada
- Information events and webinars