There in an overwhelming expression of solidarity with people of Ukraine defending their freedom and their country. Numerous research funding organizations worldwide, associations and alliances of research organizations,…
The European Research Council has announced the names of the winners of the Starting Grant 2022. Anastasiia Zolotarova is the leader of the TINY (Two Isotopes for Neutrinoless…
Scholars at Risk (SAR) announces new fellowship support for SAR network member institutions in North America looking to host threatened and displaced scholars from Ukraine. The purpose of…
December 2022 12/12, 19:15 Uhr (Montag) Juri Andruchowytsch, Ukrainischer Schriftsteller, Dichter, Essayist und Übersetzer: Der Preis der Zukunft. Was ist das Wesen des “aufgeschobenen Krieges”? Im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung des Präsidenten:…