Economists for Ukraine and Science for Ukraine are happy to announce the Universities for
Ukraine (U4U) Non-Residential Fellowship Program. The program matches researchers in
Ukraine to colleges, universities, and research institutions worldwide, which provide funding to
support research activities.
Summary of the U4U Non-Residential Fellowship Program
● Research-active academics who were affiliated with a Ukrainian university or research institution as of February 24, 2022, and are currently located in Ukraine or desire to return to Ukraine soon are invited to apply to the program here
● All eligible applicants are invited to join the global U4U Fellowship Community, which will provide them with networking and research-engagement opportunities
● If selected, U4U Fellows receive one-time unconditional funding of $5,000 and are matched with a Sponsor, which could be a university, a school or department within a university, a research group within a corporation or non-profit, etc.
● Sponsors may choose to provide additional support, such as creating an opportunity for the Fellow to meet faculty virtually or give a virtual talk but are not required to do so