May 2022
- 01/05, 18:00 Uhr (in Ukrainian)
Open University in Exile presents the Lecture on “Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Should We Still Believe in the Essenes?“ by Dr. Vitaly Chernoivanenko
- 02/05, 19:00 Uhr (in German)
Konrad Adenauer Foundation: “Der Krieg in der Ukraine – Folgen für Deutschland und Europa”, Part 2 with Prof. Stefan Goertz, Professor of Security Policy with a focus on extremism and terrorism research at the Federal University, Federal Police Department.
- 02/05, 18:00-20:00 Uhr (in German)
„Deutschsprachige Ukraine-Studien: Entwicklung, aktueller Zustand, Perspektiven“
Osteuropakolloquium mit: Andrii Portnov.
- 03/05, 19:00 Uhr (in German)
Konrad Adenauer Foundation: Lecture “Die Kastanien von Charkiw” by Michael Zeller, who spent several weeks in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and recorded his impressions and observations in the book “The Chestnuts of Kharkiv. Mosaic of a City”, which was published last year.
- 04/05, 18:00-18:20
Aseev, In Isolation – Lesen für die Ukraine mit: Jennifer Döring und Julia Furmanczyk. Die Europa-Universität und die Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen laden zu der Reihe „Lesen für die Ukraine“ ein. Immer mittwochs von 18.00 Uhr bis 18.20 Uhr werden in Online-Sitzungen ukrainische Texte der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit gelesen. Gelesen wird in deutscher Übersetzung. Anmeldung:
- 05/05, 5:30pm – 7 pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “Data for Ukraine: Machine Learning and Detecting Human Rights Violations and Resistance to Russia’s Invasion”, with Graeme Robertson (University of North Carolina) and Erik Wibbels (Duke University)
- 05/05, 18:30 Uhr (in German)
Konrad Adenauer Foundation: Online event “Der russische Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine und die Rolle der Frauen” with the lecture by Prof. Dr. phil. Iryna Cherniaieva, Vice Rector for International Affairs and Education, A.V.Nezhdanova Odessa National Academy of Music, Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages
- 05/05, 13:30-14:30
Ukraine Calling at European University Viadrina: “Weaponizing History. The Role of Memory in the Russian War against Ukraine” Voices from Ukraine VII mit: Tatiana Zhurzhenko (ZOiS Berlin) und Georgiy Kasianov (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University of Lublin, Poland)
- 05/05, 13:00-14:00
MDC MEET THE FUNDER SERIES: Dioscuri Centres of Scientific Excellence: A funding program initiated by the Max Planck Society to support scientific excellence in Central and Eastern Europe. The person-centered Dioscuri Programme aims to establish internationally competitive research groups at Central and Eastern European scientific institutions with the support of partners from Germany (located at any German university or other research institution). Initiated by the Max Planck Society and funded by the German Federal government as well as the government of the respective host country, the program is open to applicants from all scientific and national backgrounds who would like to establish and lead a highly visible research group in this region. In addition, Hana Hušková, Community Manager at the NGO Czexpats in Science will inform you about the initiative, which strives to connect Czech scientists abroad with scientists and institutions in the Czech Republic, foster long term partnerships and the exchange of information, aiming to support world class science in the Czech Republic.
- 6/05
The UAS7 Roadshow “Career opportunities at German University of Applied Sciences (UAS)”. Online and in English, UAS7 will present the career path of a professor at a University of Applied Sciences together with international professors from our universities
- 6/05 & 13/05 (in German)
Online-Konferenz der deutschen und ukrainischen Germanistik
Zeit: Freitag 6. Mai und Freitag 13. Mai, jeweils 13 bis ca. 16 Uhr (MEZ) / 14 bis ca. 17 Uhr (OEZ)
Veranstalter: Ukrainischer Deutschlehrer- und Germanistenverband und Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache.Im Sinne einer ziviligesellschaftlichen Stärkung der Beziehungen zwischen der Ukraine und Deutschland soll die Tagung dazu dienen, die Kontakte zwischen der deutschen und der ukrainischen Germanistik zu vertiefen mit dem kurzfristigen Ziel, die ukrainische Germanistik in und außerhalb der Ukraine hinsichtlich ihres Forschungs- und Lehrbetriebs zu unterstützen, und dem langfristigen Ziel, dauerhafte Kooperationen zwischen Institutionen, Lehrstühlen und Personen zu festigen oder zu etablieren. Die Teilnahme an der Konferenz ist kostenlos. Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich und sollte bis zum 5. Mai 2022 erfolgen
- 09/05
Flashmob #ErasmusPlus35yearsUkraine within the framework of Europe Days 2022 in Ukraine. The main idea of the flashmob #ErasmusPlus35yearsUkraine is to promote Ukraine as a European country, to show the impact of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program on the promotion of European values in Ukraine, to tell the success stories of Erasmus fellows and support for Ukrainians during the war.
- 09/05, 18:00-20:00
„The Donbas Landscapes of late 19th–20th century: Industrial changes and symbolic representations“ Osteuropakolloquium mit: Tetiana Portnova (Dnipro)
- 10/05, 14:00-15:30
Info Talks on DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers: Walter Benjamin Programme (in English)
- 11/05, 18:00-18:20
V. Pidmohylnyj „Die Stadt“ – Lesen für die Ukraine mit: Frank, Joura, Kratochvil, Wunderwald, Zalitok. Die Europa-Universität und die Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen laden zu der Reihe „Lesen für die Ukraine“ ein. Immer mittwochs von 18.00 Uhr bis 18.20 Uhr werden in Online-Sitzungen ukrainische Texte der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit gelesen. Gelesen wird in deutscher Übersetzung. Anmeldung:
- 12/05, 5:30pm – 7pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “Support for Democracy and Civic Duty among Ukrainians: The Basis for Civic Identity and Civilian Resistance”, with Olga Onuch (University of Manchester)
- 18/05,
Online Seminar: For Ukraine: The German Science System – Overview and First Orientation
This online seminar offers Ukrainian scientists interested in the German job market an initial orientation on career prospects. In the one-hour webinar, we briefly introduce the German science system and answer your questions. Two experts from academia and science management will join us in the conversation. This webinar is presented by the jobsite academics in cooperation with the German Scholars Organization. Panelists: Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, Research Development Manager at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) & Founder of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ UKRAINET and Nataliia Sokolovska, Project Manager at Alexander von Humboldt Institute. You can download the presentation (.pdf) and recording (.mp4, duration 01 hours, 13 minutes, 59 seconds, 235,2 MB).
- 18/05, 18:00-18:20
Oksana Luzyschyna – Lesen für die Ukraine mit: Lydia Nagel. Die Europa-Universität und die Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen laden zu der Reihe „Lesen für die Ukraine“ ein. Immer mittwochs von 18.00 Uhr bis 18.20 Uhr werden in Online-Sitzungen ukrainische Texte der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit gelesen. Gelesen wird in deutscher Übersetzung. Anmeldung:
- 18/05 (in German), 18:30 –20:00 Uhr, Berlin
ZOiS Forum “Wenn Geschichte umgeschrieben wird”: Ein Blick auf die Ukraine, Belarus und Russland. Podiumsdiskussion mit Kateryna Mishchenko, Aliaksei Bratachkin, Félix Krawatzek und Matthias Schwartz, Moderation: Nina Weller
- 19/05, 5:30pm – 7pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “The Perils and Benefits of Surveying in a Conflict Zone: Cautionary Tales and Results from Donbas 2020-2022“, with John O’Loughlin (University of Colorado) and Gerard Toal (Virginia Tech)
- 19/05
The European Association for International Education (EAIE): The EAIE will facilitate an online ideas lab focused on Ukraine. The goal of the lab is to share and discuss specific actions that the international education community (as individuals and institutions) can take (and in some cases may already be undertaking) to support Ukrainian institutions and affected students and academics
- 25/05, 18:00-18:20
Boris Chersonskij – Lesen für die Ukraine mit: Frank, Koifman, Landenberger. Die Europa-Universität und die Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen laden zu der Reihe „Lesen für die Ukraine“ ein. Immer mittwochs von 18.00 Uhr bis 18.20 Uhr werden in Online-Sitzungen ukrainische Texte der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit gelesen. Gelesen wird in deutscher Übersetzung. Anmeldung:
- 31/05, 17:00 CEST/ 18:00 Kyiv
June 2022
- 02/06, 5:30pm – 7pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “Long-term Trends of Polarisation in Ukraine“, with Timofii Brik (Kyiv School of Economics)
- 08/06, 16:15 – 17:30
„Ukrainian Migration to Poland: Facts, Figures, Contexts“ Research Factory B/ORDERS IN MOTION with Prof. Dr. Marcin Dębicki (The Centre for Regional and Borderlands Studies, Wrocław University)
- 09/06, 5:30pm – 7pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “Living at the ‘Gates to Europe’: the Border with Poland as an Oppportunity and a Challenge for Local Communities in the Lviv Region”, with Tatiana Zhurzhenko (ZOiS/SCRIPTS)
- 13/06 – 20:00 (British Summer Time)
The Cultural Emergence of Modern Ukraine, Ivan Kotliarevsky and Taras Shevchenko by Lecturer: Rory Finnin (University of Cambridge) in the frame of the intensive summer online course in Ukrainian literature “Literatura”
- 16/06, 5:30pm – 7pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “(Trans)national Experiences of Displacement from Ukraine”, with Viktoriya Sereda (Ukrainian Catholic University and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
- 20/06 – 20:00 (British Summer Time)
Ukrainian Literature in Dialogue, Ivan Franko and Sholem Aleichem by Lecturer: Uilleam Blacker (University College London) in the frame of the intensive summer online course in Ukrainian literature “Literatura”
- 23 – 24/06
“Ukrainian-Bavarian Conference on Digital Education“, in Bayreuth and online (BAYHOST), see the program. The conference aims to share knowledge and exchange experiences on the use of digital tools and concepts in education. The University of Bayreuth is advancing the German-Ukrainian exchange on the digitalisation of teaching-learning processes with two projects. The DAAD-funded Learnopolis+ project is working with partners in Lviv, Ternopil and Vinnytsia (Donetsk) to develop Massive Open Online Courses for the continuing education of university teachers. The framework for this is UTTERLY (Erasmus+ KA2), which establishes uniform competence standards, curricula and certification processes in this area
- 23/06, 5:30pm – 7pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “Women’s Participation in the Euromaidan Protests and the War in Ukraine”, with Tamara Martsenyuk (University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)
- 27/06 – 20:00 (British Summer Time)
Ukrainian Modernism and Feminism, Lesia Ukrainka and Olha Kobylianska by Lecturer: Tamara Hundorova (National Academy of Science of Ukraine) in the frame of the intensive summer online course in Ukrainian literature “Literatura”
- 30/06, 5:30pm – 7pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “From Spontaneous Help to Organised Civil Society: Volunteering in the Context of Forced Population Displacement in Ukraine Since 2014”, with Oksana Mikheieva (Ukrainian Catholic University)
- 30/06, 1pm – 8pm | in Berlin and online
Berlin4Ukraine: Meet & Learn. A networking event for exile researchers aims to convey basic knowledge of the structures and key players of the German Science System, to explain the key support offers for refugee researchers and scholars at risk in particular, as well as the system of German science funding in general.
July 2022
- 02/07 (in German)
Berlin, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022 | “Meet the Scientist” with Gwendolyn Sasse at the Humboldt Lab
On behalf of SCRIPTS, Gwendolyn Sasse will present her current analyses of the Russian-led war in Ukraine. In cooperation with the Humboldt Lab at Humboldt Forum Berlin. Prof. Dr. Gwendolyn Sasse is Director of the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), SCRIPTS Principal Investigator, Research unit “Borders”, BGTS Faculty, Knowledge Exchange Lab Steering Committee Member
- 04/07 – 20:00 (British Summer Time)
Ukrainian Avant-Garde, Mykola Kulish by Lecturer: Mayhill Fowler (Stetson University) in the frame of the intensive summer online course in Ukrainian literature “Literatura”
- 07/07, 5:30pm – 7pm CET | online
ZOiS Lecture Series in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): “Social Capital in Ukraine: Networks and Civic Activism”, with Tetiana Kostiuchenko (University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)
- 11/07 – 20:00 (British Summer Time)
Ukrainian Dissidents, Vasyl Stus by Lecturer: Bohdan Tokarsky (University of Potsdam) in the frame of the intensive summer online course in Ukrainian literature “Literatura”
- 18/07 – 20:00 (British Summer Time)
Contemporary Ukrainian Literature of Eastern Ukraine, Serhii Zhadan and Olena Stiazhkina by Lecturer: Sasha Dovzhyk (Birkbeck, University of London) in the frame of the intensive summer online course in Ukrainian literature “Literatura”
- 25/07 – 20:00 (British Summer Time)
Ukrainian Poetry of Independence, Natalka Bilotserkivets, Serhii Zhadan, Iryna Shuvalova, and Marianna Kiyanovska by Lecturer: Iryna Starovoyt (Ukrainian Catholic University) in the frame of the intensive summer online course in Ukrainian literature “Literatura”
August 2022
- 01/08 – 20:00 (British Summer Time)
Russophone Writing in Ukraine, Andrei Kurkov, Boris and Liudmila Khersonsky by Lecturer: Vitaly Chernetsky (University of Kansas) in the frame of the intensive summer online course in Ukrainian literature “Literatura”
September 2022
- 18/09
„Die Konsequenzen des Angriffs auf die Ukraine – was können Migrations- und Grenzstudien beitragen?“ – Diskussion with PD Dr. Carolin Leutloff-Grandits (Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION)
- 29-20/09
Save the date: Annual Meeting 2022 will be organized in Hannover on 30 September 2022 within the framework of the Days of Ukraine in Lower Saxony (29-20 September 2022).
October 2022
- 20/10
2nd International Scientific Conference “Ukraine in the world: Germany and Ukraine in the history of Eastern Europe: from Reformation to Enlightenment”, Kyiv, organized by the Department of Foreign Sources on the History of Ukraine, M. S. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies, National Academy of Sciences Ukraine. Submit your presentation abstract by October 13, 2022
Video-recordings of past events on YouTube channels:
- DUAG/ UKRAINET, incl. “Days of Ukraine in Berlin & Brandenburg”, Berlin, 16-17.09.2021
- Entangled History of Ukraine, European University Viadrina/ PRISMA UKRAЇNA: Ukrainian Studies Online Colloquium WiSe 21/22
- Ukrainian Institute London
- Events of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation
- The Shevchenko Scientific Society (USA)
- The Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada