Task force #StandWithUkraine

At the DUAG/UKRAINET we have now established a task force #StandWithUkraine with the aim to provide a German-wide support resource for organization and channeling the help, especially focused at students, scientists, researchers in / from Ukraine.

On the 4th of the March nine DUAG members have joined the initiative and started the intense work on:

  • Preparation of an Open letter(s) to the scientific and academic community
  • Informing about the opportunities to join a research group, continue studies
  • Opportunities for PhD Students to complete their PhDs
  • Opportunities for the students to complete their studies
  • Search for resources and a lobby work in preparation of German-Ukrainian bilateral calls with the BMBF, DFG, DAAD, Humboldt foundations etc., in accordance to the actual situation in Ukraine

The members of the DUAG are invited to contribute as:

If you have any question, please, contact Dr. Anna Grebinyk at grebinyk@th-wildau.de or contact.ukrainet@gmail.com