DAAD: Funding for partnerships with universities in East-Central, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe as well as the Caucasus and Central Asia (“Eastern Partnerships”), apply by 28 February 2022

DAAD Partnerschaften mit Hochschulen in Ostmittel-, Südost- und Osteuropa sowie dem Kaukasus und Zentralasien (“Ostpartnerschaften”) support the initiation or consolidation of partnerships between HEIs in Germany and in the target region with the aim of promoting broad-based cooperation in teaching and research and to strengthen the teaching conditions of the participating higher education institutions in the long term.

  • Deadline: 28 February 2022
  • What is funded? Travel to the partner university for study or research purposes as well as stays for study or research purposes in Germany and participation in multilateral measures (e.g. networking conferences) in Germany and abroad
  • Who is funded? German and foreign university teachers, senior university staff, assistants, researchers, students, graduates and doctoral candidates.
  • Eligibility: Eligible to apply are state and state-recognized German higher education institutions

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