In this policy brief, published by the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy, Marcia Grimes (University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Oksana Huss (Bologna University, Italy & DUAG member) and Ksenia…
Tag: Social sciences
A SELECTION OF FORTHCOMING EVENTS, November 2021 – February 2022
In November – December 2021, the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), leading international organization dedicated to the advancement of knowledge about Central Asia, the…
Recent survey: Awareness of the Ukrainian population about the diaspora and attitudes towards it
This survey (21 October 2021) Awareness of the Ukrainian population about diaspora and attitudes towards it/ Обізнаність населення України про діаспору та ставлення до неї was carried out…
Berlin, 17-18 September 2021: “The Holodomor in Academic and Public Debates: Ukrainian and European Perspectives”
The sixth annual conference of the German-Ukrainian Commission of Historians (DUHK), postponed to 2021 due to the pandemic, will take place in a hybrid format in Berlin on…
Discussion “Reform support and reform backlash” based on the recently published Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics, co-edited by late Prof. Oleh Havrylyshyn.
Video-recording of a very interesting discussion “Reform support and reform backlash” based on the recently published Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics, co-edited by late Prof. Oleh Havrylyshyn is…
Cooperation Highlight: Odesa National University and Freie Universität Berlin expand their cooperation in field of international economics
In 2021-2022 German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports the fruitful long-term cooperation in field of international economics between the Faculty of International Relations, Political Science and Sociology of Odesa…
Funding Call for Summer Schools “Challenges and Potentials for Europe: The Greying Continent”, apply by 17 November
This VolkswagenStiftung funding call is open for open-topic summer schools on “Challenges and Potentials for Europe”. The call targets scholars in the humanities, social and cultural sciences, as these…
Funding Call “Global Issues – Preventing Pandemics: the Role of Human-Environmental Interactions”, apply by 4 November
This VolkswagenStiftung call for funding is part of a broader international funding framework entitled “Global Issues – Integrating Different Perspectives”, which aims to enable international research collaboration and…
The first Ukrainian Academic Accelerator (UAA) fosters research skills of future journalists in Ukraine
By Kostiantyn Yanchenko, U. Hamburg/ DUAG This pilot half-year project (January-June 2021) with the focus on Journalism, Media, and Communication was organized and conducted by the DUAG associate…
2021 Huttenbach Prize awarded for the paper on the Holodomor
Nataliia Levchuk and her colleagues from the Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies (Kyiv, Ukraine) and Oleh Wolowyna from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (North Carolina, USA)…