We cordially invite you to the next event within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Announcement (in Ukrainian) Speaker: Dr Olga Ryabchenko Date: Tuesday, 21 March 2023 Time:…
Tag: Science first hand/Наука з перших уcт
28 February 2023, Open Lecture (in Ukrainian): Cultural practics of Ukrainians during the war
Announcement (in Ukrainian)/ оголошення TЕМА: Культурні практики українців під час війни ДОПОВІДАЧКА: докторка культурології, проф. Ірина Петрова (Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв / «Die Cologne/Bonn Academy in…
31 January 2023, Lecture (in Ukrainian): “The Life and Death of one Viber Channel. Media Chronicles of the Besieged City”
We cordially invite you to the next event within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Announcement (in Ukrainian) Speaker: Dr Olena Pavlova, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv/…
10 February 2022, Lecture (in German) “The only Ukrainian university in the free world”: Ukrainian Free University in Munich in the years 1945-1991
We cordially invite you to the next event within our “Science first hand” lecture series, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Ukrainian Free University celebrated in 2021. Announcement…
11 November 2021, Round-Table Discussion to mark the 95th Anniversary of the founding of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute in Berlin (1926-1945)
We cordially invite you to our next online event within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Date: Thursday, 11 November 2021 Time: 18:00 – 19:30 (Berlin, CEST)/ 19:00…
24 June 2021, Web-lecture by the DUAG member Prof. Andriy Luzhetskyy: “Innovative approaches for search and development of new biologically active compounds (antibiotics)”, in Ukrainian
We cordially invite you to the next online event within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Speaker: Prof. Andriy Luzhetskyy, Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS), Helmholtz Centre for…
15 April 2021, Web-lecture: “The intellectual phenomenon of Ahatanhel Krymsky/ Das intellektuelle Phänomen Ahatanhel Kryms′kyj” (in German)
We cordially invite you to the next online event within our “Science first hand” lecture series, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Ahatanhel Krymsky‘s birth Announcement (download in…
26 February 2021, Web-lecture: “Phenomenon of Lesia Ukraїnka/ Феномен Лесі Українки”, in Ukrainian
25 February 2021, Web-lecture: “Lesia Ukraїnka and the Ukrainian modernism/ Lesja Ukraїnka und die ukrainische Moderne”, in German
17 December 2020, Web-lecture: “The rise and fall of the Kharkiv physical science school during the years of Stalinist terror”, in Ukrainian
We cordially invite you to the next event, in an online format, within our “Science first hand” lecture series: Announcement (download in Ukrainian) Speaker: Dr. Oleg Feia, researcher at…