Photo: Courtesy of the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany. From 17 to 18 November 2017, 28 participants from 20 institutions in Germany, Switzerland and Austria met in the…
Berlin, 7 December 2017, Panel Discussion: Memories of a Better Future? Analysing Post-Maidan Condition from Multiple Perspectives
Panel Discussion: Memories of a Better Future? Analysing Post-Maidan Condition from Multiple Perspectives Date: 07.12.2017 Time: 18:15 Venue: Robert Bosch Stiftung, Französische Straße 32, 10117 Berlin Registration (Link)…
KYIV, 9 December 2017: Information Session on Funding Opportunities for German-Ukrainian Cooperation
University of Tübingen in cooperation with the German-Ukrainian Academic Society is organizing the German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers, supported by the DAAD from the means of the German…
Reminder: Joint German-Ukrainian call for research projects in Mathematics and Physics
To facilitate the support of collaborative work between German and Ukrainian research groups, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the State Fund for Fundamental Research of…
The German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers: Call for Participants, the deadline has been extended till 1st of November 2017
The deadline has been extended till 1st of November 2017. University of Tübingen in cooperation with the German-Ukrainian Academic Society is organizing the German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers,…
BERLIN: Scientific-didactic Workshop “Ukrainian as a foreign and heritage language in Germany”, 17-18 November 2017
This workshop will be held in German and Ukrainian. Wissenschaftlich-didaktischer Workshop „Ukrainisch als Fremd- und Herkunftssprache in Deutschland“ Anlässlich des Jahres der ukrainischen Sprache in Deutschland 2017-2018 Datum:…
The winners of the 2017 PhD Thesis Presentation Contest have been announced
On the 6th of October 2017 in Augsburg the PhD Thesis Presentation Contest took place for the second time within the framework of the Annual Meeting of the…
The German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers: Call for Participants
University of Tübingen in cooperation with the German-Ukrainian Academic Society is organizing the German-Ukrainian Forum of Young Researchers, supported by the DAAD from the means of the German…
Berlin, Talk (UA): Ukrainian Language in Germany: from Saturday schools to university studies. History, development and current state.
Лекторій: Наука з перших вуст Announcement TALK (in Ukrainian): Українська мова в Німеччині: від суботніх шкіл до університетських студій. Історія, розвиток, сучасний стан/ Ukrainian Language in Germany: from…
Switzerland, Zürich: Particle physicist Lesya Shchutska wins the ERC Starting grant in 2017 competition
With her ERC funding Dr Lesya Shchutska (ETH Zürich/ CERN) will exploit the capabilities of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to search for new particles, so-called…