Ganna Panasyuk has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to carry out research on the project “Metabolic integration by nutrient SENSing (MetaboSENS)”. Ganna obtained her PhD degree in…
Maksym Kovalenko (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) is awarded an ERC Consolidator grant and is named in the Clarivate’s List of Highly Cited Researchers 2018
Chemist Maksym Kovalenko (tenured associate professor at the ETH Zürich, Switzerland) researches metal halides which emit light in response to the passage of an electric current or when…
Our next newsletter has been published
With the 18th issue of our Newsletter we: open the call for the PhD Thesis Presentation Contest 2019 (deadline is 20 May), inform you about the annual meeting…
Thousands of students from Ukraine study and receive research training abroad. At the same time, the overall visibility of this talented next generation of scientists remains rather under-appreciated,…
BERLIN, Prisma Ukraïna Lecture “Die große ukrainische Emigration und ihre Folgen” ( 2 May 2019)
(in German) Speaker: Matthias Benz (NZZ) Commentator: Robert Kirchner (Deutsche Beratergruppe Ukraine / Berlin Economics) Venue: ZOiS, Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin Ukraine has experienced a significant wave of…
DAAD call: Support for the internationalization of Ukrainian HEIs/ Unterstützung der Internationalisierung ukrainischer Hochschulen 2019-2021, apply by 28 June 2019
Please note: eligible to apply are German Higher Education Institutions, therefore the information below is provided in German More information Ziel des Programms Das Programm zielt darauf ab,…
White paper: “Way forward for science in Ukraine: a perspective of the Ukrainian research diaspora”
This White Paper has been prepared by an initiative group of diaspora researchers involved in the organization of the inaugural Forum of the Ukrainian Research Diaspora, which was…
GERMANY/POLAND: Viadrina Ukrainian Studies Conference “Rethinking Ukrainian Studies: Locally, Regionally, Transnationally”, 16-17 May 2019
The conference with a focus on Ukrainian transnational research will be held on 16-17 May 2019 in Frankfurt/ Oder and Słubice. Organiser: Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov, Chair of Entangled…
National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU): Call for International Referees
The newly established National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) is going to be the largest science funding body in Ukraine open for all researchers, independent of their affiliations.…
GERMANY, Bavaria: Funding for International Cooperation in 2019
The Bavarian Funding Programme for the Initiation of International Projects (BayIntAn) provides assistance for establishing and strengthening the scientific cooperation between scientists at Bavarian state and state-supported non-state universities and…