Manifesto “Reclaiming Europe”: an appeal to the sciences and humanities to stand up for a democratic, united and pluralistic Europe

The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) and the Junge Akademie, together with a number of partner institutions, have published the manifesto “Reclaiming Europe”. The manifesto outlines the role and social responsibility of the sciences and humanities in relation to a democratic and united Europe, in particular with regard to the war of aggression against Ukraine and its consequences. The signatories of the manifesto are in favour of increased scientific exchange with Eastern European countries and want to create a platform for perspectives from and on Eastern Europe with the “Young Network TransEurope”. The network is primarily intended to strengthen the voices of excellent young academics.


  • Press-Release: Manifest „Reclaiming Europe“: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften und Junge Akademie rufen zu verstärkter europäischer Kooperation auf. 01.02.2024 | BBAW | PM-04/2024
  • Die Junge Akademie Statement