The Martin Roth-Initiative, a joint initiative of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) and the Goethe-Institut, promotes and supports at-risk artists and cultural actors in cooperation with national and international (cultural) institutions. It was founded in response to the global shrinking of civic spaces. Its aim is to protect artists and cultural actors, whose work is restricted by state or non-state actors, by offering temporary relocation stays and enabling them to continue their work.
The Martin Roth-Initiative currently accepts applications for temporary relocation within the regions of origin:
- Host organisations: these must be cultural institutions or other relevant civil society organisations with formal legal registration (full list of requirements under FAQ for host organisations). Host organisations do not only host scholarship holders but also provide support for their personal wellbeing and professional development.
- Eligibility: the programme is aimed at artists and cultural actors who through their artistic work are committed to an open society, freedom, peace and democracy, who reject any kind of discrimination and who, because of their work or due to other circumstances, experience restrictions on their freedom or threats from state and/or non-state actors.
- Deadline: There are no set deadlines for submitting an application. Based on availability of funding, applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
- Duration: Scholarships in this programme regulary last 3 to 6 months.