This years’ UKRAINET PhD Thesis Presentation Contest took place in Saarbrücken on 26 September 2024 at the Ukrainian Days in Saarland. During this competition five talented finalists presented their research, and the jury selected the following the winners:
- 1st place: Olena Nosovska from Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, for her presentation entitled „Enantioselective Lewis base catalyzed Allylation of Nitrogen-centered Latent (Pro)nucleophiles. Preparation of an Integrin Inhibitor Library”
- 2nd place: Anna Myronova from Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, for her presentation entitled “Using single cell RNA-sequencing to characterize gene expression signatures in human heart failure”
- 3rd place: Anastasiia Zhuravel from Centre for Fundamental Rights – Hertie School, Berlin, Germany, for her presentation entitled “What role for the International Human Rights Law in regulating armed conflict?”
This PhD Contest is organised by the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (DUAG)/ The UKRAINE Network. It has been sponsored by Nomad Bioscience GmbH and supported the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany.