FORTHCOMING EVENTS, May – September 2024

May 2024

  • 13.05, Berlin, Alice Salomon University of Applied Science

International conference Exiled Scholars and ‘Academic Humanitarianism’ Conjunctures of Solidarity in Times of Global Crises.”   At the conference, experts from Germany and abroad will discuss the structural conditions, institutional innovations and current challenges in the context of opening up universities and the academic system to at-risk and exiled scholars.  The aim is to critically reflect on the concept of “academic humanitarianism” and the impact of novel constellations of power/knowledge on discourses, institutional actors, and structures of funding in academia.  The conference is organized as part of the Sage SAGE! Programme’s project “International and in Solidarity” and is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Registration is available under the link.

  • 14.05, Berlin, Adlershof

4th Campus Club Job Market: Connecting Talents with Innovation

  • 15.05, 15:00 CET, online

Speaker Series Webinar “Researchers in Crisis: Perspectives from Ukrainian scholars on their research, challenges they face, and the future of academia in Ukraine”. Scholars at Risk, in partnership with the Polish Academy of Sciences, presents Researchers in Crisis, a conversation highlighting the research, challenges, and hopes of Ukrainian scholars two years after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This webinar brings four Ukrainian scholars into conversation to explore, analyze, and give insight into the direct impact the full-scale invasion has had on the production of knowledge and academic freedom in Ukraine.

  • 22.05, 17:00-18:30 CET, online

Mercator Talk “Ukraine: Solidarity in danger?” with Claudia Dathe, translator and Ukraine consultant at the Federal Agency for Civic Education, and Lyudmyla Melnyk, Senior Project Manager at the Institute for European Politics, moderated by Andreas Rinke, chief correspondent of the Reuters news agency in Berlin. Registration is open until 22.05.2024 via the link.

  • 23.05, 19:00-21:30 BST, London

“Crimean Tatars: 80 Years of Remembrance and Resistance”, organised by the Ukrainian Institute London in partnership with Goodenough College, FeelCan, the Embassy of Ukraine in the UK, and Chevening Ukraine Scholars Elmaz Alimova (LSE) and Ilona Boliubash (King’s College London).

  • 24.05, 10:00 EET, Kyiv, Ukraine

Expert discussion “Re-thinking the fundamentals cluster benchmarks for Ukraine: the case of judicial reform”, organized by the Ukrainian Centre for European Policy in partnership with the Centre of Policy and Legal Reforms, supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Ukraine. The event is considered to trigger the discussion among the key Ukrainian and European stakeholders about re-considering the approach to setting the benchmarks for Ukraine in the Fundamentals cluster. The agenda will be focused on the key lessons of the Western Balkans countries in achieving benchmarks in the Fundamentals cluster and preliminary conclusions of joint research of Ukrainian CSOs regarding the optimal set of benchmarks for Ukraine given its specific context and realistic pathway of the relevant reforms. Registration is open via the link.

June 2024

  • 04.06, online

Online Bar Camp “The Future of Higher Education Management in the European Higher Education Area”, organized by WANDELWERK. Zentrum für Qualitätsentwicklung at FH Münster University of Applied Sciences. Registration is available under the link.

  • 05.06, 17:30, CET, Berlin / 09.06, 11:00 & 21:00, online

GIZ discusses on rbb24 Inforadio “Reconstruction in the midst of war? What Ukraine needs now?” with Katrin Göring-Eckardt, Vice President of the German Bundestag, MdB; Reiner Perau, Managing Director of the German-Ukrainian Chamber of Industry and Commerce; Nataliya Pryhornytska, Alliance of Ukrainian Organisations e. V. / Open Platform e. V.; Daniel Busche, GIZ Country Director Ukraine.  The recording will take place as an audience event at the GIZ Representative Office in Berlin on Wednesday, 5 June 2024, 17:30-19:00. For the on-side attendance, please register by e-mail to The discussion will be broadcast on rbb24 Inforadio on Sunday, 9 June 2024, from 11 a.m. and from 9 p.m. in the programme series ‘Das Forum’.

  • 10.06, Berlin 

Conference Resilience, Reconstruction, Prosperity: Perspectives for Ukraine’s Economy”. The aim of the conference is to discuss ways in which Ukraine’s immediate economic needs, strategies for reconstruction and its long-term economic perspectives can be aligned while promoting creative thinking about how to reach the shared goal of achieving a prosperous, stable, socially just and democratic future for Ukraine. 

  • 10.06, 19:00 CET, Berlin & online

Public panel discussion “Ukraine’s Recovery in the European Context” with Svenja Schulze, German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, and Oleksandr Kubrakov, Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine, moderated by Sonja Zekri, Süddeutsche Zeitung, organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Please register for in-person attendance of the evening event here by 3 June 2024. The event will also be live streamed in English and Ukrainian here. 

  • 11-12.06, Berlin

Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 (URC 2024)

  • 10-12.06, Tutzing

TechCamp Bavaria in Tutzing on “Building Resilience in an Era of Disinformation”, organized by the U.S. Department of State, in partnership with Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing.

TechCamp is a U.S. Department of State initiative that brings together leading technologists and subject-matter experts to provide training for a diverse group of participants. TechCamp is a highly collaborative, hands-on event composed of brainstorming sessions, small group discussions, and training workshops that result in innovative solutions to real challenges you face in your work. Application is open until 22.03.2024 under the link.

  • 12-13.06, Vienna, Austria

Training on capacity building for international cooperation between Ukraine and Austria. The National Erasmus+ Agency in Austria and OeaD Austria in cooperation with the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (ILIR) are organizing an offline training to build and strengthen cooperation between Ukrainian and Austrian institutions in the field of higher education and science on June 12-13, 2024 in Vienna (Austria).

  • 13-15.06, Zakarpats’ka oblast, Ukraine

International conference UOHA-2024 “Oral history in wartime: academic knowledge and the researcher’s responsibility”, organized by the Ukrainian Oral History Association (UOHA). The conference will take place on the grounds of and with the support of Uzhhorod National University and Zakarpattia Museum of Folk Architecture and Life (Uzhhorod, Ukraine), the Huculak Chair in Ukrainian Culture and Ethnography, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada), and the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory (Kyiv, Ukraine). Applications for participation in the conference will be accepted until March 15, 2024 under the link.

  • 18.06, Kyiv, Ukraine

PowerUp Ukaraine Conference.

  • 21.06, Halle (Saale)

Ukrainian Academic Day at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

  • 27-30.06, Ukraine

Inaugural Annual Conference“RE(KN)OWN REGION(S) from WITHIN” of the RUTA Association for Central, South, Eastern Europe, Baltic, Caucasus, Central and Northern Asia Studies in Global Conversation. The congress in June 2024 will be a kick-off event, aiming to open up perspectives that critically reflect imperial power and academic structures and thus strengthen decolonial approaches. russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has made it clear how much the destructiveness of imperial ideologies has been underestimated, even by some experts on Eastern Europe. CfP: Proposals of panels and roundtables must be submitted by 15 March 2024. Donate to support the organisation of this conference here.

  • 28-29.06, University of Passau, Germany

Interdisciplinary Workshop “Ukrainian Refugees in Germany and the United States after the War: Implications for Global Refugee Policy”Funded by the Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen (SDAW/ Foundation on German-American Academic Relations), this interdisciplinary workshop is designed to generate comparative critical insight and expertise on Ukrainian migration and integration in Germany and the United States as case studies for the examination of global refugee policies. Papers are invited that provide critical perspectives on legal and social policies guiding Ukrainian refugee admission and (temporary or longer-term) integration into Germany and the United States, the relationship of Ukrainians to other refugee and migrant populations, as well as their representation and treatment in both countries. Please send a 300-word paper abstract and a 150-word biographical statement as one PDF-file by February 15, 2024 to and A limited number of travel allowances (200 EUR) is available to PhD candidates/part-time or contingent faculty. Please indicate the need for a travel allowance when submitting the abstract.

September 2024

  • 11-13.09, Dubrovnik, Croatia

EEGA Annual Conference “Unfinished Statebuilding and Contested Democracies,” in Cooperation with the RSA Central and Eastern Europe Conference 2024. The united aim is to combine both – historically informed research and current political issues in Southeastern Europe. The conference is less devoted to strictly historical issues but offers a global and policy oriented approach. The conference zeroes in on a curated selection of themes that hold paramount importance for the region amidst the current geopolitical landscape. The Call for Proposals is now open until the 16th of April 2024 and abstract submissions until the 14th of May 2024.

  • 18.09, Cambridge, MA, USA
Book Talk “The Voices of Babyn Yar” by Marianna Kiyanovska, poet, translator, and literary scholar Joined by translators Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky in conversation with Oleh Kotsyuba, Director of Print and Digital Publications, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University. This event is organized by Harvard’s Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI) as part of the weekly Seminar in Ukrainian Studies public event series and HURI Books program.
  • 26-27.09, Saarbrücken, Germany

Save-the-Date for the next conference: Days of Ukraine in Saarland and DUAG Annual Meeting in Saarbrücken, including the Final of the UKRAINET PhD Thesis Presentation Contest

October 2024

  • 25-26.10, Budapest, Hungary & online

Workshop “Cooperation with Ukraine in the humanities”, organized by BAYHOST, the Research Centre German in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Chair of Slavic Philology – Linguistics at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Regensburg and Andrássy University Budapest. The event is intended to contribute to the development and deepening of cooperation with Ukraine in the humanities, specifically with Ukrainian universities that have been particularly hard hit by the war and have had to be evacuated or are located close to the front line. It will focus on topics such as multilingualism, digital humanities and digital education, but is also open to other thematic contributions. The workshop is aimed at interested teachers and researchers in Bavaria, Ukraine, Hungary and neighbouring countries.

Video-recordings of some past events/ relevant YouTube channels: