DAAD Funding call “Digital Ukraine: Ensuring study success in times of crisis”, apply by 20 June 2022 (extended)

Ukraine digital: Studienerfolg in Krisenzeiten sichern (official call information in German)

(Unofficial translation)

Goal of the program: The war in Ukraine has had a major devastating impact on the infrastructure of Ukraine’s education and higher education system. The focus of the program line is therefore the rapid development and implementation of virtual offers. German universities should support their Ukrainian university partners in maintaining their digital courses so that students and scientists from and in Ukraine have the prospect of continuing their academic careers despite the restrictions imposed by the war.

What is funded?

  • The development and implementation of digital teaching and learning offers
  • Physical and digital accompanying measures as well as support offers for Ukrainian students,
  • Implementation of online teaching in different languages ​​by German and Ukrainian university lecturers as well as
  • The awarding of physical and online scholarships for Ukrainian students.

Who can be supported? 

  • Ukrainian and German students
  • Graduates
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Scientists, and
  • University lecturers

Who can apply? State and state-recognized German universities are eligible to apply.