Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau (TH Wildau) has been cooperation with Ukrainian universities for some time, supported by Prof. Dr. Marcus Frohme (Department Molecular Biotechnology and Functional Genomics). In 2021 his team, including Dr. Anna Grebinyk und Prof. Dr. Alina Nechyporenko, organized two Ukrainian-German Autumn schools titled „Lessons in Biomedicine learnt from Nanotechnology and Artificial Intellligence“.

Building up on new contacts, established during these schools, now three scientists from Ukraine were invited for a 1-month academic visit to the TH Wildau. During their stay, an Online International Collaboration Colloquium „Lessons for Biomedicine“ was organized by Prof. Dr. Marcus Frohme and Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog on the 7th of December 2021, where the visiting scholars had an excellent opportunity to present their research:
- „Convolutional neural networks for medical image analsis“, by Maryna Hubarenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics;
- „The effects of amphibian skin secretion components on the functioning of hemostasis system“, results of the PhD research, by Dr. Iryna Udovychenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;
- „How to combat the pandemia with artificial intelligence“, by Dr. Dmytro Chumachenko, National Aeroespace University in Kharkiv.
At the closing ceremony of this Colloquium the guest scientists received the certificates of attendance, complemented with special awards. These academic visits of young Ukrainian scientists were enabled by Prof. Dr. Michael Herzog and supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), through its funding line „STIBET Doktoranden/STIBET PhD students“, which supports measures specifically tailored to the needs of international doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows.
This visit paved the way for the development of new joint projects and the continuation of this fruitful German-Ukranian collaboration, led by the TH Wildau, is planned for 2022.