Berlin, 16-17 September 2021: Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg

Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg (16-17 September 2021) will take place in Berlin under the motto “Fostering German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation and Building a Stronger Europe Together“.

You can join the live-stream of the conference “Days of Ukraine in Berlin & Brandenburg”.

This scientific networking conference is organized by the FU Berlin and chaired by Prof. Theocharis Grigoriadis, Institute for East European Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, in cooperation with the German-Ukrainian Academic Society. With this event we are marking the 30th Anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine and the 70th Anniversary of the Institute for Eastern European Studies at Freie Universität Berlin.

This event is supported by the DAAD within its Go-East program from the funds of the BMBF.


Event brochure

This scientific networking conference offers for the first time an excellent exchange platform for German-Ukrainian cooperation in higher education, science, and research in Berlin and Brandenburg. In this way, academic networks of Higher Education Institutions and research institutes in and beyond the region with academic organizations in Ukraine will be expanded and potential synergies will be explored. The conference includes cooperation highlights based on successful bilateral projects as well as a session dedicated to Ukrainian studies research in the region. Furthermore, a comprehensive range of information on relevant funding opportunities from both German and EU funding agencies will provide valuable information to support funding applications for new German-Ukrainian projects.

Within the framework of this scientific networking conference the Annual Meeting 2021 of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society will be held on the 17th of September 2021. 

Venue: Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin), Henry-Ford-Bau, Lecture Hall A (Hörsaal A) 


Event brochure

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