This year 17 applicants from Germany, Hungary, the UK and Ukraine applied to our PhD Contest.

After a peer review by independent experts eight PhD students won the right to present their work at the Final, which is planned to take place in Berlin on Thursday, 16th of September 2021, within the framework of the Days of Ukraine in Berlin and Brandenburg(16-17 September 2021).
- Pavlo Burdiak, University of Szeged, Hungary (International Law): Interaction of states and social media platforms in preserving the freedom of expression on social media
- Kateryna Chernii, Leibniz Centre of Contemporary History, Potsdam, Germany (History): On to new victories! The transformation process of Ukrainian football and its elites after the collapse of the Soviet Union
- Yevhen Havrylenko, TU Munich, Germany (Mathematical Finance): Optimal investment-reinsurance strategies in equity-linked products with capital guarantees
- Kseniia Kravchenko, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife research (IZW), FU Berlin, Germany (Population Biology): Migratory bats and Global climate change: climate-driven changes in migratory behaviour and distribution of the common noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula)
- Alina Nychyk, University of Manchester, UK (Politics/International Relations): Strategic Decision-Making in Times of War: EU-Ukraine-Russia Relations During the First Year of the Conflict in Ukraine
- Aleksandar Radivoievych, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Germany (Cancer Nanomedicine): Anticancer Star Symphony
- Maja Reimann, Research Center Borstel, Leibniz-Lung Center, Germany (Biomedical Sciences): TB22: A transcriptomic 22-gene model to individualize treatment durations for patients with tuberculosis
- Nataliya Yadzhak, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv/ Ukraine & University of Clermont Auvergne/ France (Material Sciences): Development of the model for short crack growth in metallic materials under long-term loading and operation environments
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