9-21/08/2021 Ukrainicum (Krupp-Kolleg), The Greifswald Ukrainicum is a 14-day international summer school of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald and the University of Greifswald on the science, culture and language of Ukraine and is sponsored by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation
16-29/08/2021 Viadrinicum. Summer School. DigitalLab Viadrinicum is an annual summer school organized by the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/ Oder). It is devoted to the countries of the Eastern Partnership, and the larger context of Central and Eastern Europe
14-21/09/2021, “Shadows of Empires: Imperial Legacies and Mythologies in East Central Europe“ Transregional Academy organized by Prisma Ukraïna, Sofia, Bulgaria – Research Network Eastern Europe in cooperation with CAS Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, Center for Governance and Culture in Europe, University St. Gallen, and the German Historical Institute Warsaw
17-20/09/2021, X Festival of Innovation Projects “Sikorsky Challenge 2021: Ukraine and the World“ with contests of innovative projects, interesting exhibitions, master classes, lectures and networking