Ukraine Calling 2021: Cross-Sectoral Capacity Building, apply by 31 March 2021

Ukraine Calling is a project-oriented capacity building program for organisations from Ukraine, Belarus, France, Poland, and Germany. In its 2021 edition, it offers seminars and workshops to provide orientational and applied knowledge on the topic of local development, as well as to assist its participants in developing cross-sectoral competences and to foster international networking. This Program is led by the European University Viadrina in cooperation with its partners.

Call for applications Ukraine Calling 

Actors from various fields (i.a. education, human rights, culture, media, academia) are invited to apply, introducing a project idea for cross-sectoral transnational cooperation, that they want to develop for subsequent implementation after the program.

This year’s multifaceted topic is local development:

  • How can local challenges be tackled in the framework of projects of transnational cooperation?
  • How can sustainable local development be designed?
  • Who are its actors and drivers?
  • What factors are conducive to successful cross-sectoral collaborations?
  • How to bring differing expectations and logics together to serve a common goal?

Who can participate?

  • You are representing an organisation or initiative from Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, France or Germany
  • You have a genuine interest in cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary approaches in the field of local development, as well as a concrete idea for a topic-related transnational project you want to implement
  • You are motivated to gain new knowledge and skills during seminars in Frankfurt (Oder) and Kyïv. (Depending on the epidemiological situation, the meetings might have to take place in a digital format)
  • Your knowledge of English is sufficient to take an active part in the programme


  • 27-28 April 2021: Digital Onboarding
  • 14-17 June 2021: 1st Meeting in Frankfurt (Oder)/online
  • 29 September – 1 October 2021: Online Meeting
  • 9-12 November 2021: 2nd Meeting in Kyïv/online

You can see the already supported projects here.

Call for applications Ukraine Calling