We cordially invite you to the next event, in an online format, within our “Science first hand” lecture series:
Watch it on YouTube!
Announcement (download in German)
Announcement (download in Ukrainian)

Speaker: Bozhena Kozakevych, research assistant at the Chair for Entangled History of Ukraine, European University Viadrina (Frankfurt (Oder))
Date: Thursday, 22 October 2020
Time: 18:00 – 19:30 (Berlin, CEST)
Talk title: Juden und Christen: Sowjetische Religionspolitik im Berdytschiw der 1920er und frühen 1930er Jahre/ Євреї та християни. Радянська релігійна політика у Бердичеві 1920-их та ранніх 1930-их років
Language: German, with discussion in German and Ukrainian
This event will be carried out using the BigBlueButton (BBB) web-platform. Please register by 20 October per e-mail: berlin (at) ukrainet.eu Specific access information will be sent to all those who have registered shortly before the event.
This event is organized by the regional Berlin-Brandenburg chapter of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society in cooperation with the Embassy of Ukraine of the Federal Republic of Germany